5, Rue Sésame is a French language children's television series based on the American show Sesame Street, aired by France 5 and Piwi. Premiering on October 22, 2005, the series is the second Sesame Workshop co-production for France, which originally aired as 1, Rue Sésame in the 70s and early 80s.
The first season consists of seventy-five 26-minute episodes directed by François Basset and Jul Mallard. Co-produced by Expand-Drama and Sesame Workshop, it was broadcast daily from Monday to Friday at 8:25 am on Saturday at 7 pm and 12 pm and Sunday 6:35. The final episode was filmed on December 21, 2007.
Terry Fitzpatrick, Sesame Workshop's executive VP for distribution:
For the most part, characters in 5, Rue Sésame are unique to the series.
- Nac is a giant yellow monster, who's 2.2 meters tall. Nac fills the Big Bird role as the mascot of the show, and he shares Big Bird's sunny and gentle disposition.
- Griotte is a Lavender Anything Muppet girl in a wheelchair. Her puppet is the same design used for Roxie Marie, a now retired Sesame Street character.
- Yoyo is an orange monster with a tall head. He's very emotional and anxious, but he loves people and makes friends easily.
- Olive is a green, furry monster who's the firecracker on the street—naughty, fearless and always laughing.
- Elmo is a friend from the American Sesame Street—at 3-and-a-half years old, he's the youngest Muppet on the show.
- Georges the Penguin arrived on Rue Sésame inside an ice cube, and soon made friends with the other residents.
- Titouan is a retired older dad.
- Baya is the baker on the Street—she's confident and optimistic.
- Juliette is a young student who works at the newsstand.
The series was a regional semi-finalist for the 2006 International Emmy Awards, up against Plaza Sésamo.
- Régis Fassier as Nac
- Charlie Bazire as Olive
- Richard Sandra as Georges
- Christophe Albertini as Elmo
- Yves Brunier as Yoyo
- Evelyne Scheigam as Griotte
- Francoise Salmon (YoYo assistant)
Live Actors[]
- Myriam Loucif as Baya
- Florent Moriniere as Titouan
- Chloe Stefani as Juliette
Dubbing voices[]
- Barbara Beretta
- Daniel Beretta as Bart (Bert)
- Jean-Jacques Cramier
- Naïke Fauveau as Marie (Prairie Dawn)
- Bruno Magne
- Gérard Rinaldi as Le Comte (Count von Count)
- Pierre-Francois Pistorio
- Patrick Préjean as Ernest (Ernie)