Ace & Avery are an imaginative boy and his raccoon, respectively, who appeared in the second season of Big Bag. The pair used the variety of hats in their costume box to have adventures. They also enjoyed cavorting and repeating each other's names, lest the audience forget who was who. Kevin Clash supplied the voice of Avery.
- Created/directed by John R. Dilworth
- Developed for television by Belinda Ward, Gary Cooper, Allan Neuwirth, Nina Elias Bamberger
- Writers: Belinda Ward, Jocelyn Stevenson, others
- Story editors: Gary Cooper and Allan Neuwirth
- Production Studio: Stretch Films
- Production manager: Risa McInnes
- Art director: Margaret Frey
- Sound effects: David Rovin
- Music score: Miki Navaria
- Theme song: Russell Kassoff, Belinda Ward