Adventure Time is an animated series that aired on Cartoon Network from 2010 until 2018. The series follows Finn, a young boy, his magical dog, Jake, and their adventures in the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo.
Muppet Mentions[]
- In the stop-motion animated episode "Bad Jubies," when Jake meditates at a brook, a frog with Kermit-esque eyes sits beside him before leaping into the water.
- Episode 4504 of Sesame Street sees the street hosting "Numeric-Con," a San Diego Comic Con-style convention full of number-related characters and heroes. One young girl seen at the Fiverine booth is dressed in a stylized Princess Bubblegum costume.
- Jessica DiCicco played Flame Princess
- Donald Faison played Princess Cookie
- Donald Glover played Marshall Lee
- Neil Patrick Harris played Prince Gumball
- John Moschitta, Jr. played Key-per
- Paul Reubens played Gnome Ruler and the Pincer Beetle
- Andy Samberg played Rap Bear and Party Pat
- Amy Sedaris played Bandit Princess
- Jenny Slate played Huntress Wizard
- George Takei played Ricardio
- Paul Williams played the Hierophant in three episodes
- "Weird Al" Yankovic played Banana Man in three episodes