Alien is a science fiction film released in 1979, directed by Ridley Scott. Doubling as a horror, the story follows the crew of a spaceship who is hunted down by an aggressive and dangerous alien. The film spawned a number of sequels creating a franchise that includes comic books, novels, theme park rides and several crossovers (most notably with the Predator franchise; also Superman and others).
- A sticker used on M.A.M.M.A. in The Muppet Show episode 407 is the Weylan-Yutani logo as seen in the 1979 film, turned upside-down. [1] [2]
- A poster in the waiting queue of Muppet*Vision 3D features a spoof of the film's tagline: "In space, no one can find their shoes."
- Another poster decorating the attraction released years later spoofs WALL•E, and features the tagline "In space, no one can hear you meep!"
- In the Pigs in Space add-on level from LittleBigPlanet, Waldorf says to Statler: "In space, nobody can hear you scream", a more direct reference to the film's tagline.
- The opening of the Muppet Babies episode "Nanny's Day Off" uses footage from the second film of the series. After the opening credits, a sequence of shots establishing the film's ship Sulaco from space and the vessel's interior, segue into animation of Baby Animal being awakened from a stasis chamber.
- In a January 8, 2016 tweet, Fozzie Bear suggested a tagline for Kermit's movie pitch, "In space, no one can hear you croak." [3]
- A 2016 Pigs in Space video spoofs the film, where Link Hogthrob is impregnated by an alien squid and its offspring (played by Pepe the King Prawn) bursts from Link's chest. (YouTube)
- In the 2004 film AVP: Alien vs. Predator, the following exchange takes place.
- Mark Verheiden: Keep the beakers away from the gear.
- Graeme Miller: What's he mean, "beaker"?
- Alexa Woods: It's what they call scientists out here. You know, Beaker, like in The Muppet Show?
- Michael Fassbender played David in Prometheus (2012)
- Ian Holm played Ash in Alien
- John Hurt played Kane in Alien and the 2014 video game Alien: Isolation
- Damon Lindelof co-wrote Prometheus (2012)
- Stephen Norrington worked on alien creature effects for Aliens (1986) and Alien 3 (1992)
- Pete Postlethwaite played David in Alien 3 (1992)
- Paul Reiser played Carter J. Burke in Aliens (1986)
- Ricco Ross played Private Frost in Aliens (1986)
- Harry Dean Stanton played Brett in Alien
- Charlize Theron played Meredith Vickers in Prometheus (2012)
- Sigourney Weaver played Ellen Ripley in Alien, three sequels, and the 2014 video game Alien: Isolation