American Bandstand was an American television show that aired from 1952 to 1989. Originally a local afternoon show airing in Philadelphia, the show was picked up by ABC in the spring of 1957, with its new host (and producer) Dick Clark. The show would feature popular music of the times, and a musical act lip-syncing to one of their songs. The format changed over the years, from a 90-minute program to 60, and going from a weekday afternoon program to a Saturday afternoon timeslot. In 1987, the show left ABC for syndication, and it left syndication in 1989 for the USA Network before being cancelled.
- In the 1983 Hallmark calendar The Muppets Look at TV, the show was spoofed as American Blandstand with Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem as the band for a pair of dancing hippie Whatnots.
- A parody of American Bandstand hosted by Kermit the Frog was shown in episode 108 of Muppets Tonight. Clifford reveals that in the late 1970s, Jason Alexander made his television debut as a number one disco sensation named "Jason Alexanderploatz". It was also revealed that Jason lost his blond hair after dousing himself with water, à la Flashdance, and touching Kermit's microphone during the interview, which caused an electric shock. Jason cries that he is just a bald guy with a New York accent and wonders where he would fit in. To which Miss Piggy replies, "A sitcom?"
- In Sesame Street Episode 4089, the show was spoofed as American Fruit Stand, which was hosted by Duck Clark. In an earlier episode, the show was parodied in a flashback as Sesame Street Bandstand, where Gordon's father, known as "Johnny Uno", performed his smash hit "Do the Macaroni." The scene also featured a Muppet caricature of Dick Clark.
- In 1997, some of the Philadelphia and Los Angeles regulars appeared at Sesame Place to dance in the new Rock Around the Block Parade. Bunny Gibson, Bob Shuman, and Fred Vuittonet are known to have appeared. (YouTube)
Many acts on American Bandstand have been associated with the Muppets.