Amigo Grande was a Norwegian family quiz show, based on a concept developed by Danmarks Radio. Amigo first premiered on NRK in 2005, where it was a kids quiz show. In 2012, it was changed to Amigo Grande and included families as contestants.
In episode 9, which aired April 14, 2012, Max Mekker appeared during the quiz. The question was "who doesn't belong here". Sidra on the blue team was quick to say that Max Mekker did not belong in the group, as she thought the other people had not been in a children's show. She was right about Max Mekker not belonging in the group; however, it turned out that the others were the same people she once worked with on the TV show "Midt i smørøyet".
In episode 15, which aired June 2, 2012, the contestants were shown a big group of characters from various NRK children's shows, including Max Mekker, Alfa and Bjarne Betjent from Sesam Stasjon. After being shown for a short while, the characters were asked to hide so the contestants could try to remember how many they saw.