Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? is a quiz show hosted by comedian Jeff Foxworthy. The show aired in prime-time on FOX from 2007-09, and continued as a daily syndicated version until September 2011. It was revived for a brief period in 2015 with Foxworthy returning as host, but was again cancelled in September of that year. A revival of the show hosted by John Cena premiered on Nickelodeon on June 10, 2019.
Grover, Cookie Monster, Bert, Prairie Dawn, and Zoe co-hosted the show with Foxworthy during the week of November 9, 2009 to promote the 40th anniversary of Sesame Street. TV Guide Channel program inFANity showed Cookie and Zoe's appearances, interviewing Cookie Monster.
- Monday: Cookie Monster is upset that a meter-long cookie is not present in the studio, so he eats Foxworthy's question cards.
- Tuesday: Zoe co-hosts. In the outtakes, Zoe leads the studio audience in the silly willy nilly dance.
- Wednesday: Bert wants to know who writes the questions because they have great penmanship. The contestant did an Ernie impression, much to Bert's amazement.
- Thursday: Grover woos the audience with his knowledge of near and far, and brags about being Super Grover. The contestant's favorite book as a child was The Monster at the End of This Book. Grover offers to look up the answers on the internet and text them to the contestant. He says he's traveled all over the world, but there's one place he will never return to: Oscar's trash can.
- Friday: Prairie Dawn sings the beginning of her pageant song. Foxworthy says how pretty she is in person, and she says she's blushing pink.
- The show was spoofed on Sesame Street in Episode 4179 as Are You Smarter Than an Egg Layer?, hosted by Jeff Bawksworthy.
- "Are You Smarter Than a Tadpole?" is one of several shows that Fozzie Bear pitches to Scooter in the Muppets Now episode "Fever Pitch."
- Sierra McCormick appeared as one of the 5th Graders in the second season.
- Rove McManus hosted the Australian version.
- Madison Pettis appeared as one of the 5th Graders in the syndicated version.