Beetlejuice is a 1988 horror comedy directed by Tim Burton about a recently deceased couple, and their efforts to keep their home from inhabitation via a "bio-exorcist" named Betelgeuse. The series spawned an animated spin-off of the same name from 1988 to 1991. Produced by Nelvana, it featured a rambunctious but more harmless Beetlejuice who routinely shape shifted and took human friend Lydia on adventures in "the Netherworld."
The movie was also adapted as a Broadway musical in 2018 and received a theatrical sequel in 2024.
- Baby Skeeter parodied the character in the Muppet Babies episode "Six to Eight Weeks" as Skeetlejuice.
- In the Muppet Babies episode "Gonzee's Playhouse Channel," Baby Animal spoofs the cartoon as Animaljuice, his own rendition of the shapeshifting Beetlejuice.
- Danny Elfman's theme from Beetlejuice was used in the original theatrical trailer for The Muppet Christmas Carol in 1992. (YouTube)
- A 2023 social media post promoting Sesame Street: The Musical depicts a poster for "Slimeyjuice" starring Slimey, spoofing the Broadway musical.[1]
- Jill Abramovitz played Maxine Dean and Juno in the Broadway musical
- Alec Baldwin played Adam Maitland in the film
- Kerry Butler played Barbara in the Broadway musical
- Kevin Carlson puppeteered on the film
- Dick Cavett played Bernard in the film
- Tara Charendoff voiced Claire Brewster on the animated series
- Alyson Court voiced Lydia Deetz on the animated series
- Geena Davis played Barbara Maitland in the film
- Danny DeVito played a janitor in the sequel
- David Finley wrote episodes of the animated series
- Paulina Gillis voiced Ginger the spider on the animated series
- Robert Goulet played Maxie Dean in the film
- Elizabeth Hanna voiced Delia Deetz and others on the animated series
- Brian Herring puppeteered various characters in the sequel
- Tommy Johnson played tuba on the film soundtrack
- Michael Keaton played Betelgeuse in the film
- Catherine O'Hara played Delia Deetz in the film
- Stephen Ouimette voiced Beetlejuice on the animated series
- Larry Parr wrote episodes of the animated series
- Ron Rubin voiced Barry Menot and others on the animated series
- Neal Scanlan was creature effects creative supervisor on the sequel
- Glenn Shadix played Otho in the film
- J. D. Smith wrote episodes of the animated series
- John Stocker voiced Mr. Monitor and others on the animated series
- Stuart Stone voiced Ramon in the animated series episode "Beetledude"
- John Van Bruggen directed the animated series