Boardwalk Empire is an American television series that takes place during the Prohibition era. It ran on HBO from 2010 until 2014.
- A spoof of the show called Birdwalk Empire appeared in Sesame Street's 43rd season. In the parody, the ducks and chickens are fighting over who walks the right way on the Birdwalk. They decided to make up a brand new walk that they can do together. The segment features parodies of characters from the show, including Nucky Ducky, Clucky Luciano, Mallard Capone and Agent Van Cuckoo. (First: Episode 4305)
- Greg Antonacci played Johnny Torrio
- Dabney Coleman played Commodore Louis Kaestner (2010-2011)
- Stephen Root played Gaston Means (2012-2013)