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Every plumber's dream.

Bombay, renamed Mumbai in 1995, is the most populous city in India and the nation's business and entertainment center. The city gained attention in the 1990s as the site of "Bollywood" Hindu filmmaking with the international release of several high profile films.

Gonzo, however, displayed a keen awareness of the city's cinematic opportunities as early as 1979, when in The Muppet Movie, he told Fozzie and Kermit that he was on his going to Bombay to be a movie star. When Fozzie scoffed at the notion, insisting that Hollywood is the best place to launch a film career, Gonzo replied "Sure, if you want to do it the easy way."

In episode 411 of The Muppet Show, Gonzo came close to realizing his dreams when he got a job offer from the Bombay-based film studio "20th Century Chicken." Gonzo quit The Muppet Show, leaving behind not only his friends but also his girlfriend Camilla, but returned once he found out that the producers actually wanted "Gonzo the Mediocre" instead.

At the time, Gonzo's admiration for Indian filmmaking was used as a joke to emphasize the character's "weirdness." However, the critical and financial success of such films as Slumdog Millionaire and Monsoon Wedding has proven Gonzo's prescience.

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