Cake Boss is a TLC reality show that follows the exploits of Buddy Valastro and his family at Carlo's Bakery in Hoboken, New Jersey. On January 18, 2010, the show debuted an episode titled Sizing, Sleeping Stretch & Sesame Street that featured a Sesame Street cake.
Many Sesame Street cast members appear in the episode, which was partially filmed on the series' set; included were Roscoe Orman, Bob McGrath, Sonia Manzano, Alison Bartlett, Emilio Delgado, Loretta Long, and Desiree Casado. Jerry Nelson appears.
Cookie Monster appears, as he was Valastro's favorite character. Abby Cadabby, Bert, Elmo, Ernie, Grover, Mr. Johnson, Rosita, Telly, Oscar the Grouch, and Zoe make cameos.
A parody of the show titled Let Them Eat Cake is seen on the CDE schedule in the movie The Muppets.
See also[]
- Food Network Challenge, a cake-making competition