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Carlos Revilla (1933-2000) was a Spanish voice actor and dub director who, over the course of a nearly 50 year career, performed in and directed scores of Spanish translations of notable films and television series, including several Muppet/Henson productions. Amongst others, he voiced Uncle Traveling Matt and The StoryTeller. He also dubbed Frank Oz as Mr. Collins in An American Werewolf in London.

Revilla's best known role was dubbing Homer Simpson on The Simpsons. He also had the distinction of working on two dubs of King Kong, as Captain Englehorn (Frank Reicher) in the first Spanish dub and as Carl Denham (Robert Armstrong) in the 1983 redub. Other dub credits include Bill Cosby on The Cosby Show, Richard Portnow on The Sopranos, Jack Lemmon in the TV version of Twelve Angry Men, K.I.T.T. on Knight Rider, Charles Kimbrough on Murphy Brown, William Hootkins in Superman IV: The Quest for Peace, Sam Neill in In Cold Blood, Milton Berle in Let's Make Love, and both Tim Curry and Patrick Stewart as Scrooge in adaptations of A Christmas Carol. Animation roles included Uncle Scrooge on DuckTales, Robbie Robertson and others on Spider-Man, and Officer Barbrady on South Park.

Muppet/Creature Shop dub credits[]

(also voice director, unless noted)

External Links[]
