Ciao Sesame Street is a documentary directed by John Didato that focuses on the involvement and influence of Italian-Americans on the show Sesame Street. The 30-minute film had won the 2019 Russo Brothers Italian American Film Forum; and it was subsequently showcased at the 2021 Florida Atlantic University Italian American Film Festival in April 2021 and the 2021 Astoria Film Festival in October 2021.
The documentary features behind the scenes footage from the set of Sesame Street along with extended interviews with Frank Biondo, Linda Bove, and Christine Ferraro. Individuals profiled who did not make the final cut include Stephanie D'Abruzzo, Rosemarie Truglio, and Richard Termine.[1]
- ↑ South Ferry Films on Facebook Jan 30, 2020
External links[]
- Film Freeway Page - includes full documentary
- Official Facebook Page
- CUNY TV - John Peter Didato, “Ciao, Sesame Street!” Documentary | Italics