Cleopatra was the famous Egyptian "Queen of the Nile" and a popular romantic figure in historical epics.
Miss Piggy has taken on the persona in a number of instances. Her first such appearance was in episode 409 of The Muppet Show where she competes with Beverly Sills during the opera number, "Pigoletto." On occasion, others have attempted to step on Piggy's Egyptian turf.
Miss Piggy[]
The Muppet Show episode 409
American Library Association poster
Muppet Trading Cards, and Muppet*Vision 3D poster
Elke Sommer in The Muppet Show episode 319
Janice as Cleopatra in You're the Director
The Sorceror pleads with Cleopatra, played by an uncredited extra, in Gulliver's Travels
Marilyn Horne singing "C is for Cookie"
"Zoe-patra and the Hippos of the Nile" ride at Busch Gardens Africa