Cop Rock is a short-lived ABC series premiering in 1990. The series was unique in that it combined the genres of police drama with musical theatre, featuring original musical numbers in each episode. The first episode's songs were all by Randy Newman, who also wrote and performed the theme song on-camera.
- In the Monsterpiece Theater sketch "ABCD Blue," police officers Grover and Herry help a group of citizens who have forgotten how the alphabet goes by singing "The Alphabet Song." As the scene concludes, Alistair Cookie remarks, "A singing cop show? Who writes this stuff?," referencing the fact that both Cop Rock and NYPD Blue share the same co-creator, Steven Bochco.
- Shaun Baker played a street kid in the pilot.
- Frank Collison played Phil in "Happy Mudder's Day"
- Randy Crenshaw played an officer receiving the medal of valor in "Marital Blitz"
- Sheryl Crow played an undercover officer in "Bang the Potts Slowly"
- Ellis Hall played a blind man in a political ad in "Bang the Potts Slowly"
- Carmen Twillie played a do wop cop in "Happy Mudder's Day"