Darkwing Duck is an animated television series produced by Walt Disney Television Animation that originally aired in weekday-afternoon syndication and on ABC's Saturday morning line-up from 1991 to 1992. The series focuses on the often comedy-tinged adventures of the title hero as he fights crime. The show ended after 91 episodes, but Darkwing's adventures continued in comics published in Disney Adventures until 1996. The series was later revived in 2010 as a comic book by BOOM! Studios, which ran for 18 issues, and received a continuation by Joe Books in 2016.
Muppet Mentions[]
- In the episode "The Haunting of Mr. Banana Brain", Quackerjack says "Wocka Wocka" as a punchline to a joke (right before a truck runs over Paddywhack).
- At the beginning of issue #2 of the BOOM! comic, a Fozzie Bear doll and a frog with Kermit the Frog's eye can be seen as the Fearsome Four invades Quackwerks' toy warehouse.
- In issue #6, one of the numerous Darkwings from alternate universes is one who resembles Fozzie.
- The revised version of issue #16 (as seen in the Darkwing Duck: The Definitively Dangerous Edition book) includes a shot of a newspaper with a headline saying "There Really Aren't That Many Songs About Rainbows, Study Finds."
- Writer Aaron Sparrow has mentioned that they intended to add a picture of a sad-looking Kermit to go with the headline, but they were asked to remove it, despite Disney owning the character.[1]
- Dan Castellaneta voiced Megavolt and Sir Glumfield in "Extinct Possibility"
- Christine Cavanaugh voiced Gosalyn
- Jesse Corti voiced Swenlin Swine in "Mutantcy on the Bouncy"
- Jim Cummings voiced Darkwing Duck, Negaduck, Herb Muddlefoot, Moliarty, and others
- Tim Curry voiced Taurus Bulba
- Eddie Deezen voiced Hoof in "Darkly Dawns the Duck"
- Joan Gerber voiced Gertie in "Twin Beaks"
- James Monroe Iglehart voiced Taurus Bulba in DuckTales (2017) episode, "Let's Get Dangerous"
- Phyllis Katz voiced a female bowler and a receptionist in "Stressed to Kill"
- Roger Langridge wrote the 2024 Justice Ducks comic book mini-series
- Katie Leigh voiced Honker Muddlefoot
- Danny Mann voiced J. Gander Hooter, Spike, Hotshot in "Heavy Mental," and others
- Amy Mebberson provided coloring work for some of the covers to the BOOM! comic
- Stuart Pankin voiced Dr. Denton in "Extinct Possibility"
- Rob Paulsen voiced Steelbeak
- James Silvani drew most of the stories for the BOOM! and Joe Books comics
- Hal Smith voiced Saint Peter in "Dead Duck"
- John Stephenson voiced Major Synapse in "Heavy Mental"
- Frank Welker voiced Eak and Squeek, Lilliput Gulliver in "Getting Antsy," and others