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Darnaz probe

Oo-Nii holds one of the probes.

The Darnaz Triangle is a weapon that is a central element of the Farscape "What Was Lost" two-parter: "Sacrifice" and "Resurrection."

Consisting of three probes, the Darnaz Triangle was launched at the planet Arnessk thousands of years ago by unnamed "enemies of peace." It created periods of strong magnetic activity (referred to as "magnetic summers"), resulting in the end of the planet's civilization and deterioration of the ecosystem.

Upon being fired, the Triangle's three probes separated. It's believed if the probes are found and recombined, the Triangle's destruction can be reversed. The Moya crew eventually succeed in doing so, and the magnetic summers end.

It's also revealed that the Triangle didn't actually kill Arnessk's people (the Eidelons), but rather it suspended them in time for 12,000 years. With the Darnaz Triangle reactivated, the Eidelons and their temple come back into existence.
