Das Hasenpicknick, subtitled "Eine Ostergeschichte" ("The Bunny Picnic - An Easter Story"), is the German dub of The Tale of the Bunny Picnic.
The special aired on April 16th, 1990 on ZDF, and has re-aired since on children's channel KI.KA, typically on Easter Sunday or Easter Monday (an extended holiday in Germany).
English Name | German Name | German Voice Actor |
Bean Bunny | Bohne | Stefan Krause |
Lugsy | Hopser | Udo Wachtveitl (singing: Eberhard Storeck) |
Twitch | Kuschel | Sabine Bohlmann (singing: Linda Joy) |
Mother Bunny | Mutter Hase | Ursula Mellin |
Father Bunny | Vater Hase | Michael Rüth |
Babble | Plappermaul | Linda Joy |
Dog | Der Hund | Manfred Erdmann |
Great Grandmother Bunny | Ur-ur-ur-ur-urgroßmutter | Inge Schulz |
Be-Bop | Be-Bop | Florian Halm (singing: Chris Howland) |
Snort | Schnortz | Sandra Schwittau |
Mayor Bunnyparte | Bürgermeister Löffelohr | Michael Habeck |
Storyteller Bunny | Der Geschichten- erzähler |
Fred Maire |
The Farmer | Der Bauer | Gernot Duda |
- German Adaptation: Rudolf Krause
- Editor: Marianne Brink