Die lange Sesamstraßen-Nacht (The Long Sesame Street Night) was a special Sesamstrasse programming night that aired on January 12, 2013, on NDR. The night commemorated the show's 40th anniversary with a newly produced framing program, episodes and documentaries. The program aired from 11:40 PM until 3:15 AM.
Hosted by Caren Miosga, the program featured appearances by Elmo, Wolle, Pferd, Cookie Monster (actually Caren Miosga under a magic spell), Finchen, a wolf, and chickens.
- Framing block
- Sesamstrasse Folge 0001 (1973)
- Framing block
- Ernie & Bert Songs (2012)
- Jan Delay - "Klar"
- Herbert Grönemeyer - "Männer"
- Xavier Naidoo - "Was wir alleine nicht schaffen"
- Juli - "Komm endlich raus und spiel"
- Sesame Street songs (2004-2011)
- Feist - "1234"
- Norah Jones - "Don't Know Y"
- Bruno Mars - "Don't Give Up"
- Framing block
- Als die Sesamstrasse nach Deutschland kam (2013)
- Framing block
- Monstermeisterwerke - Das beste aus 25 Jahren (1998)
- Framing block
- Wissen Sie wo Ernie wohnt? (1975)
- Framing block
- Sesamstrasse Folge 2672 (2013)
- Framing block