Donald Duck is a popular Disney cartoon character who debuted as a supporting player in the 1934 short The Wise Little Hen. The duck soon rose to become the studio's major star, eclipsing Mickey Mouse, in more than 100 theatrical cartoons through 1961. The short-tempered, incomprehensible quacker was also a major star in comics (gathering an equally popular array of co-stars such as his nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie and uncle Scrooge McDuck), made occasional appearances on radio, and has remained an active figure in Disney television shows and countless shows and parades at Disneyland and Walt Disney World.
Unlike Mickey, Donald has yet to interact directly with Kermit or any of the other Muppets. However, he has been referenced many times over the years. He also dressed as Kermit on the cover of an issue of Micky Maus Magazin along with his girlfriend Daisy Duck, dressed as Miss Piggy.
- In a December 1963 broadcast of The Jimmy Dean Show, Rowlf explains to Jimmy Dean that he's been studying at the Animal Actors' Academy, where Donald Duck is a noted alumnus.
- A 1975 Sesame Street cartoon (First: Episode 0798) animated by Bruce Cayard features a man imagining several characters his companion may have met today, one of which is a caricature of Donald Duck.
- In the 1976 special Bob Hope's World of Comedy, Big Bird lists Donald Duck as one of his favorite movie stars.
- In Episode 1034 of Sesame Street, Big Bird and Mr. Snuffleupagus go to the movies. Big Bird looks forward to seeing a cartoon short, particularly one of Donald Duck.
- In The Muppet Show episode 220, the parody character Ronald Duck appears, looking for his friend Mickey Moose, a parody of Mickey Mouse.
- The lyrics to "Hooray for Hollywood," performed by some Muppet monsters in The Muppets Go Hollywood, include the line "Go out and try your luck, you might be Donald Duck!"
- Cody wears a shirt with Donald Duck's picture in Episode 1366 of Sesame Street.
- In the pre show for Muppet*Vision 3D, Rizzo the Rat poses as Mickey Mouse. Sam the Eagle shoos Gonzo away once he mentions bringing in Donald Duck.
- When Dani Behr asks Kermit and Gonzo in a 1996 interview on Hotel Babylon if they hang out with big celebrities, Gonzo says they know "Mick Mouse" and "Don Duck."
- In The Muppets on Muppets, Gonzo names two of his Hollywood friends: "Mick" (Mickey Mouse) and "Don" (Donald Duck).
- In Kermit's interview on Q with Jian Ghomeshi, he also refers to "Mick" and "Don", as well as "Plut" (Pluto) and "Goof" (Goofy).