Dumbo is a 1941 Disney animated movie, based upon the children's book of the same name by Helen Aberson. The film follows the adventures of a young elephant cruelly nicknamed Dumbo. Taunted for his large ears, Dumbo and his only true friend Timothy Mouse, discover Dumbo's inner beauty and self worth, with the elephant becoming a star at the film's end.
- A little girl is seen with a Dumbo stuffed animal in the Sesame Street song "Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday."
- One of Oscar's pet elephants is named Dumbo in Episode 1535 of Sesame Street.
- The older version of the Dumbo ride at Walt Disney World is briefly shown in The Muppets at Walt Disney World, before Miss Piggy and Beauregard are shown riding the Mad Tea Party.
- Clifford calls Seymour "Dumbo" in Muppets Tonight episode 202. A lobster also calls him "Dumbo" in episode 204.
- While trying to find a Wormy Gras costume for Slimey in Episode 3856 of Sesame Street, Oscar then finds a peanut shell eaten by the world's grouchiest elephant, Grumbo.
- Kermit, Miss Piggy, and Dumbo appear together on a 2006 Hollywood Pictures Backlot picture frame, sold exclusively at Disney California Adventure.
- In the Elmo's World episode "Drums," the Drum Channel advises viewers to stay tuned for "Drumbo."
- Gonzo, Camilla, Sam the Eagle and some Penguins are shown on the Dumbo ride at Disneyland in commercials for Give a Day. Get a Disney Day.
- Alan Arkin played J. Griffin Remington in Dumbo (2019)
- Phil Baron wrote the theme and other songs for Dumbo's Circus (1986, TV)
- Betty Birney wrote for Dumbo's Circus (1985-1986, TV)
- Tim Burton directed Dumbo (2019)
- John Debney was music director on Dumbo's Circus (1985-1986, TV)
- Danny DeVito played Max Medici in Dumbo (2019)
- Colin Farrell played Holt Farrier in Dumbo (2019)
- Michael Keaton played V. A. Vandemere in Dumbo (2019)
- John Lovelady was master puppeteer on Dumbo's Circus (1985-1986, TV)
- Katie Leigh voiced Dumbo on Dumbo's Circus (1985-1986, TV)
- Mona Marshall voiced Matilda on Dumbo's Circus (1985-1986, TV)
- Will Ryan voiced Barnaby on Dumbo's Circus (1985-1986, TV)
- Hal Smith voiced Fair Dinkum on Dumbo's Circus (1985-1986, TV)
- Mark Stratton wrote and directed for Dumbo's Circus (1985-1986, TV)