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Sesame Street
Air date March 25, 1970
Season Season 1 (1969-1970)
Production February 18-19, 1970
Sponsors L, U, Y, 4, 5


Picture Segment Description
SCENE 1 Gordon reads a story in The Sesame Street Sun about Ernie's new job. Several children come tearing down the street, one on a bicycle, a couple following on foot, and another on an orange crate scooter. He observes that everybody has their own way of getting from one place to another.
Film Kids narrate a film of animals moving in different ways.
Music: Joe Raposo
SCENE 2 Bob and Kevin look at an African bush baby climbing up one of the oak trees.
Susan shows Gordon her four leftover balloons from Sally's birthday, and is about to give them away. Oscar suggests she can throw them away in his trash can by tying them to one of the can's handles. Susan suspects Oscar likes balloons, but won't admit it because he's a grouch.
Cartoon "Jazz #4"
(First: Episode 0006)
Muppets Anything Muppets sing a round of "Four Blind Mice." (intro shortened)
(First: Episode 0009)
SCENE 3 Bob happens by Oscar's can and compliments him on the four balloons. Oscar resents this, so Bob offers to get rid of them. Oscar yells at him to leave them alone, then tries to regain his composure. Gordon is also aware of Oscar's secret affection for the balloons, and brings Bob in for an idea…
Animation Clay animation film by Jim Henson: A unicorn talks about U words.
(First: Episode 0037)
Cartoon Speech Balloon: U for Umbrella
(First: Episode 0038)

SCENE 4 Gordon comes out of 123 Sesame Street holding four more helium filled balloons. Loudly he announces that they are more balloons left over from the birthday party, and he has to get rid of them. Oscar bursts forth and suggests he could tie them to the trash can with the others, but Gordon says he'll just pop them instead. Oscar begs him not to pop them, so Gordon lets him have them if he admits he likes them. Oscar relents, saying they're okay. "From Oscar, that's enthusiasm!" says Gordon.
Jump rope alphabet game
Film Girls play a jump rope alphabet game: “I’ve got an A in my ankle, I’ve got a B in my back,” etc. A boy wants to play, but one of the girls says the game is for girls only. Finally, when he contributes “I’ve got a Z in my zebra,” one of the girls says he can play.
(First: Episode 0030)
Cartoon L is for Ladder
(First: Episode 0036)
Cartoon L is for Lunchbox
(First: Episode 0031)
Ernie barber 01
Muppets Ernie and Bert: Barber Shop Part 1 — Ernie gives Bert a haircut, but he ends up removing all of his hair.
(First: Episode 0068)
Cartoon Jazz #5
(First: Episode 0005)
Ernie barber 02
Muppets Ernie and Bert: Barber Shop Part 2 — Ernie tries to disguise Bert until his hair grows back.
(First: Episode 0068)
Film Five Song (Song of Five)
(First: Episode 0006)
Ernie barber 03
Muppets Ernie and Bert: Barber Shop Part 3 — Bert has quickly grown his hair back.
(First: Episode 0068)

SCENE 5 Bob, Sumiko, Sally, and Kevin have nearly completed a large structure on the sidewalk using rectangular, cylindrical, square, and triangular blocks. It falls as they try to complete it. Bob asks the kids to help him put the blocks away into four boxes with shapes drawn on the front of each. He asks the kids which box each block goes in. After doing this for a while, he holds up a triangle and a square, and asks if they'd like to hear a story about the two.
Cartoon A male voice narrates a story of a jazzy triangle who loved to dance, and a square square. The triangle likes being flexible, but the square would rather be stiff and *square*.
Music: "Waltz in Mean Time," David Lee
(First: Episode 0007)
Muppets Kermit teaches some, more, and most with jellybeans in jars while Cookie Monster eats each jar of jellybeans.
(First: Episode 0022)
Cartoon The life of a Yellow Yahoo
(First: Episode 0043)
Cartoon Y is for Yo-Yo
(First: Episode 0036)
Muppets Kermit returns to teach some, more, and most again, but with marbles in jars this time. Cookie Monster eats one jarfull and hurts his mouth.
(First: Episode 0022)
SCENE 6 Susan, Sally, and Sumiko look at and pet a Persian kitten named Dusty, and talk about her eyes and whiskers. Susan then introduces James Earl Jones.
Celebrity James Earl Jones counts to 10.
(First: Episode 0005)
Muppets Some Anything Muppets and monsters (including Cookie Monster, an early Grover, Beautiful Day Monster, Scudge, and Fred's son) pile up and count to 10.
(First: Episode 0084)
Cast Buddy and Jim try to fly a paper airplane.
(First: Episode 0013)

Film A voice narrates a film about how things begin -- including roosters, buildings, lakes, cups, birthday cakes, trees, and babies.
Portions of this film were later re-edited into "A Little Bit (at the Beginning)."
(First: Episode 0003)

SCENE 7 In the yard, Susan reads a book to Sumiko and another girl: The Cat who Thought He Was a Tiger, by Polly Cameron.

Film Audio of John Glenn from the Friendship 7 flight plays over what appears to be a journey through outer space, but it's actually closeup shots from a bowl of fruit.
Music: 2nd movement from Dvořák's Symphony No. 9
(First: Episode 0019)
Cartoon Y is for Yo-Yo (repeat)
Film A film shows parts of a flower.
Music: Vivaldi's Concerto for lute, 2 violins, and continuo in D Major: II - Largo
(First: Episode 0008)

SCENE 8 Gordon signs off, claiming that Oscar was to help him until he saw the flower from the previous film. Bob announces the sponsors and today's book.

CLOSING SIGNS Bert and Ernie hold the Sesame Street sign, and Kermit holds the Children's Television Workshop sign.

Previous episode: Next episode:
Episode 0097 Episode 0099