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Sesame Street
Big Bird builds a racing car
Air date April 28, 1970
Season Season 1 (1969-1970)
Directed by Jan S. Rifkinson
Production April 2, 1970
Sponsors B, O, 2

0122 00

Picture Segment Description
0122 01a

0122 01b
SCENE 1 Gordon greets the viewer, while in the background are sounds of busy street noises. He says that you probably guessed there's a lot of traffic on Sesame Street. So it's important to be very careful when you're near the street and especially if you have to cross it. Batman knows that.
Batman joker cross street
Cartoon Batman and Robin attempt to capture the Joker, but also teach a lesson about crossing the street safely. Holy manhole!
(First: Episode 0090)
0122 02
SCENE 2 Susan and a few kids approach Gordon, and play a game where they all close their eyes and listen to the traffic sounds and identify them. In addition to a fire engine and an ice cream truck, they also hear a horse galloping and a racing car. Film footage for each plays after they make the correct guess.
122-racing car bridge
Film Tracks from a race car cross paths until most of the screen is blank. A pair of foot prints crosses the screen to blank out the last bit.
(First: Episode 0105)
0122 03
SCENE 3 Big Bird, inspired, decides to build his own racing car. He points out he's previously built a television set, a cuckoo clock, and a truck out of boxes, so why not a racecar? Gordon says he'll need boxes; maybe Ernie knows where to get one …
Muppets Lefty the Salesman wants to sell Ernie an empty box, explaining that he can fill the box with things like a pet mouse (if Ernie had one) and jellybeans (if they rained from the sky). Ernie wants an empty box, but doesn't have any money. However, Bert brings a box of cookies, and Ernie throws the cookies out so he can catch jellybeans from the sky.
(First: Episode 0081)
0122 04
SCENE 4 Big Bird has built his own makeshift racing car - which actually works (and runs on gas)!
Cartoon "Jazz #2"
(First: Episode 0001)
0122 05
SCENE 5 Gordon observes the number 2s on Big Bird's racecar (not to mention his parking ticket) and the two pie-plate headlights. He then introduces and narrates the next film...
Film Sesame Street Animal Films: A series of zoo animals are shown in pairs.
(First: Episode 0001)
0122 06
SCENE 6 Gordon introduces the next segment.
Gordon and Bob assemble O
Cast Bob and Gordon assemble a large O with two separate pieces.
(First: Episode 0111)
Cartoon Speech Balloon: O for Open
(First: Episode 0014)
New Bridge no1 Panel Drop
Film New Bridge #1 - Panel Drop
(First: Episode 0105)
0122 07
SCENE 7 Mr. Hooper plays two rounds of "Three of These Things" in his store. He first displays a rubber ball, a basketball, a football, and a balloon. Afterward, he replaces the balloon with a tennis ball, thus changing the answer. He introduces another great problem-solver...


Muppets Granny Fanny Nesselrode, "The Answer Lady," gives some homespun, yet harebrained advice. First, she describes how to read a letter while they're trapped in such "nasty old envelopes." Her announcer tells her to simply open the letter. He then reads some fan questions, the first asking what to do with dust on the dining room table. Granny Fanny suggests collecting each piece one at a time, but her announcer suggests using a dust rag. Finally, Granny Fanny receives a question about peanut butter getting stuck to the roof of your mouth. She eats a spoonful and finds the only solution is to wipe it off with your finger. Now that the glob is stuck on her finger, she says the solution is to stick it back in your mouth. As she gets caught in this loop, her announcer closes the program.
Cartoon Checkerboard transition cartoon
(First: Episode 0105)
Cartoon A boxer explains the letter "B".
(First: Episode 0006)
Cartoon B is for bear, bicycle, bump, branch and bee.
(First: Episode 0008)
0122 08a
SCENE 8 With a magnet board, Bob displays the difference between the capital and lowercase B.
Cartoon Speech Balloon: B for Butterfly
(First: Episode 0006)
0122 08b
Bob tells a story of a big brother B and his little brother b. The little b was disappointed that he couldn't play with the big letters, but his little friends cheered him up by letting him spell with them. Together, the little letters made the word "boy," and when he got older he helped his big brother spell the name "BOB."
Film Kids paint pictures of things that start with B.
Producer: Ken Snyder Enterprises
(First: Episode 0008)
Transition The screen fills up with fluid.
(First: Episode 0105)
New Bridge no5 Bounce
Film New Bridge #5 - Bounce
(First: Episode 0105)
Cartoon A boy counts while erasing things and people.
(First: Episode 0008)
Transition A circle appears on screen, expanding like a balloon until it pops.
(First: Episode 0105)
Cartoon A boy counts while erasing things and people. (repeat)
Muppets Ernie sings "Rubber Duckie", an anthem for his beloved rubber duck.
(First: Episode 0078)
0122 09
SCENE 9 Susan bridges between Ernie and the next clay film.
Animation In a clay-animated segment, a green narrator uses his red and yellow friends (and a monster) to demonstrate how faces can show feelings.
(First: Episode 0090)
0122 10a

0122 10b
SCENE 10 Gordon and Carlos read a book in English and Spanish: Welcome Roberto by Mary Serfozo.
Celebrity Lou Rawls sings the alphabet song to a group of kids.
(First: Episode 0043)
Film A group of kids play follow the leader and go over, around and through various obstacles, but one of them takes a while to catch on.
(First: Episode 0001)
Muppets Ernie and Bert: Bert's EggBert asks Ernie to put an egg away so he can eat it later.
(First: Episode 0003)
0122 11

0122 Welcome, Roberto!
SCENE 11 Mr. Hooper is impressed with the race car Big Bird built out of boxes. He finds it ridiculous if it could really work, until he gets behind the wheel himself and takes off! Big Bird runs after him and announces the sponsors (which scroll from the window of Hooper's Store) and today's book.

CLOSING SIGNS Bob and Mr. Hooper hold the Sesame Street sign, and Gordon and Susan hold the Children's Television Workshop sign.


  • The original head built for Big Bird, with much less feathers, is used to simulate Big Bird racing around the block. After he exits, the camera zooms in on the cast's expressions as Big Bird returns, with only his head seen just above the frame.

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Episode 0121 Episode 0123