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Sesame Street
Big Bird calls for people to meet Snuffy
Air date December 14, 1973
Season Season 5 (1973-1974)
Directed by Robert Myhrum
Production May 22, 1973
Sponsors L, N, 10


Picture Segment Description
SCENE 1 Susan, Luis, Bob, and Big Bird sing "Welcome!" with the kids, with Luis singing a verse to Joey in Spanish.
Cartoon A bird subtracts two balloons from a group of three.
Artist: Cliff Roberts
(First: Episode 0530)
Muppets Herbert Birdsfoot and Grover talk about "AN" words. Herbert demonstrates the words themselves, while Grover provides visual aids. The first word they talk about is RAN. While Herbert talks about how to make the word, Grover keeps running around the scene until he tires himself out.
(First: Episode 0160)
Film A man spins in circles while riding in his kayak.
Music: Joe Raposo
(First: Episode 0297)
Muppets Herbert now makes the word "CAN," so Grover makes a stack of them, which he knocks over.
(First: Episode 0160)
Cartoon An N-terview with an N
(First: Episode 0131)
Muppets Finally, Herbert makes the word "FAN." Grover brings in a fan that blows them both away.
(First: Episode 0160)
SCENE 2 Big Bird calls Bob, Susan, and Luis over to tell them very important news - Mr. Snuffleupagus is coming today so they can meet him. Everyone rolls their eyes at the mention of Big Bird's "imaginary" friend, but agree to come back only if Mr. Snuffleupagus is really there. Given Snuffy's habit of leaving early, Big Bird does a practice call to the other's annoyance.
N naughty
Cartoon N is naughty, nice, nodding, nickel, noon, nibbling, nest, nut, nose, night, nine, and nursing.
(First: Episode 0140)
SCENE 3 Big Bird makes another practice call to ensure everyone remembers how to show up quickly, given Snuffy's shy nature. Everyone complains about the important things they were doing and how Big Bird has interrupted them yet again.
Cartoon Jazz #10
(First: Episode 0193)

SCENE 4 Big Bird worries about people being mad at him when Snuffy finally arrives. Big Bird tries to get the attention of Bob, Susan, and Luis, but he has "cried Snuffleupagus" so many times nobody is willing to come out. As Luis gives Big Bird a lesson about the situation, they both miss Snuffy shuffling off back home. Big Bird speculates that Snuffy went home for a nap, and wearily thinks he'll do the same... for three days.
Cartoon Fisherman Jones demonstrates in, on and under with the help of a big fishy.
(First: Episode 0370)
Muppets Bob and the Anything Muppets sing "The People in Your Neighborhood": Grocer and Doctor.
(First: Episode 0067)
Film A letter N drives through a neighborhood.
(First: Episode 0450)
Wally Ralph mirror
Cast Wally and Ralph: Wally gives Ralph a mirror as a present. Wally looks at it, and says it is a picture of himself. But when Ralph looks at it, he sees a picture of himself. When they look at it together, they see a picture of both of them. This sketch was a re-shoot of a Buddy and Jim sketch.
(First: Episode 0342)
Animation Marco had a flower. When it wilted, he called his grandpa and told him exactly what the flower looked like. Grandpa told him to water the flower, and it grew again.
SCENE 5 Luis sings "One of These Things" in Spanish using pictures of hippopotamuses and an ostrich.
Cartoon A horse is drawn as kids guess what it is.
(First: Episode 0377)
Film A girl gets on, in, and under a blanket in a park.
(First: Episode 0406)
Muppets Ernie & Bert — While Ernie looks after Hooper's Store, Bert asks him for something to drink. Ernie starts out with a glass of unflavored soda water, tastes it, and decides it's too dull for his ol' buddy Bert. To Bert's dismay, Ernie then adds some strawberry syrup to the soda water, then a scoop of ice cream, and finally, some whipped cream. Now it's an ice cream soda, which Bert doesn't want... but Ernie does.
(First: Episode 0539)
Cartoon "Ten Turtles"
Artist: Bud Luckey
(First: Episode 0425)
Muppets A furry, purple creature whooshes to the counter of Hooper's Store and takes 1 apple from 1, leaving 0.
(First: Episode 0400)
Transition Bridge #1 - Zipper
(First: Episode 0291)
Muppets The creature returns to take 1 apple from 2, leaving only 1.
(First: Episode 0400)
Transition Bridge #2 - Scoring
(First: Episode 0291)
Muppets Again, the creature appears to remove 1 apple from 3, leaving 2.
(First: Episode 0400)
Cartoon Kids hear an L poem.
(First: Episode 0198)
Muppets The creature returns to subtract 1 apple from 4, leaving 3.
(First: Episode 0400)
Film A film of two kids and a goat riding a turtle at a petting zoo is narrated in English and Spanish.
Music: Joe Raposo
(First: Episode 0486)
Muppets The creature counts 5 apples. He subtracts one, leaving 4.
(First: Episode 0400)
George ontopof
Film George the Farmer demonstrates on top of.
(First: Episode 0242)
Cartoon An N-terview with an N (Spanish version)
(First: Episode 0529)
Muppets Caveperson Days: King Ernie has a problem -- the cavemen write everything on rocks, which are too heavy to carry around. He calls upon the Royal Smart Person to invent something lighter to write on.
(First: Episode 0409)
Film Detective Fred (Joe Raposo) is sent by his boss (Danny Epstein) to locate the number 20. Throughout the office and on the streets of New York, Fred tracks down the numbers 11 through 18 in numerical order by spying his surroundings. When he finds his way to Apartment 19, he discovers it is occupied by a gorilla, who leads him directly to the elusive 20.
(First: Episode 0277)
Cartoon Jazz #10 (Spanish version)
(First: Episode 0306)
Film Sesame Street Animal Films: A widow bird flies from one tree to another.
(First: Episode 0391)
Cast Captain Under-Wonder (Luis) shows how he goes under an umbrella, a table and the tire swing (the latter by shrinking himself down).
(First: Episode 0508)
Film Scuba diver - on, into, under, through, around
Music: Joe Raposo
(First: Episode 0516)
Kermit and Tracy recite alphabet
Muppets Muppet & Kid MomentKermit and Tracy recite the alphabet.
(First: Episode 0120)
Film Lions walk down a trail.
Music: Joe Raposo
(First: Episode 0367)


SCENE 6 The cast presents N words in a series of quickies: Susan pops into her nurse's uniform; Bob gets a long nose; Luis and the kids vanish from sight, leaving nobody.
Cartoon An N-terview with an N (repeat)
Transition Bridge #14 - Hourglass Slow/Fill
(First: Episode 0303)
Cartoon An apple, an orange, and a pear learn they can cooperate by rocking and rolling.
Muppets Cookie Monster goes to the carnival and plays the "test your strength" game. Unbeknownst to him, the carnival barker rigged the game so nobody can win -- until Cookie finds out what the prize is.
(First: Episode 0449)
Transition Bridge #15 - Hourglass Fast/Fill
(First: Episode 0287)
Cartoon A bird subtracts two balloons from a group of three. (repeat)
SCENE 7 Bob cheers the kids on as they go in and out of the barrel tunnels as fast as they can. Luis announces the sponsors, and the credits roll.

CLOSING SIGNS Susan holds the Sesame Street sign, and Luis holds the Children's Television Workshop sign.

Previous episode: Next episode:
Episode 0554 Episode 0556