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Sesame Street
Bob sounds out words
(repeat of 0408)
Air date March 25, 1975
Season Season 6 (1974-1975)
Sponsors E, W, 4


Picture Segment Description
Kid like you
Insert Gordon sings "A Kid Like You."
(First: Episode 0731)
Film George the Farmer demonstrates short and tall.
(First: Episode 0254)
Muppets Kermit's Lectures: Grover helps Kermit demonstrate "long" and "short" by picking up a short ladder. Then Kermit says he'll help Grover bring in a long ladder, but Grover says he'll get it alone. He carries the long ladder past Kermit, who's amazed that Grover can get it all by himself. When the other end of the ladder passes by, Grover is holding that end too.
(First: Episode 0276)
Cartoon E Imagination
Artists: The Hubleys
(First: Episode 0001)
Animation Sand E/e
(First: Episode 0642)
At the doll factory
Film Women put dolls together and package them at a doll factory.
(First: Episode 0538)
Muppets A little boy explains how he can be a son, a brother, a paperboy, a friend, and a grandson all at the same time.
(First: Episode 0691)
Animation Slide puzzle - elephant
(First: Episode 0389)
Cast Part 1: Ms. Short (Maria) and Mr. Long (David) arrive at a restaurant for their date. Mr. Long plucks a short bit of string from Ms. Short's dress. She then pulls a long piece of string from his jacket.
(First: Episode 0430)
Cartoon E for Elephant & Elk, the nominees for best E animal.
(First: Episode 0486)
Cast Part 2: The waiter (Bob) serves Ms. Short a short fish (with the appropriately sized utensils), and Mr. Long a long fish (with larger utensils).
(First: Episode 0430)
Cartoon E for Erase
(First: Episode 0486)
Film Old Time Movies: Anne Meara narrates a silent film about an automobile that can be either long or short.
(First: Episode 0521)
Cast Part 3: The couple part ways after their dinner date, helping each other put on their short and long coats.
(First: Episode 0430)
Elephant toon
Cartoon Elephants have 4 legs.
(First: Episode 0560)
Letter for Ernie
Muppets Ernie tries to help a Pumpkin Anything Muppet mailman deliver a package to Mrs. Mary Ann ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.
(First: Episode 0038)
3 mules
Cartoon Subtracting three mules
SCENE 1 Bob sounds out the word PAPER, then has shredded mounds of newspaper fall on him.
Cartoon A man explains that the letter E begins both Enter and Exit. Another man named Roy runs through the doors.
(First: Episode 0406)
Cartoon Jazz #4
(First: Episode 0006)
SCENE 2 Bob steps away from the mess of paper, and now puts together the word WIG. A wig suddenly plops down onto his head.

Muppets Roosevelt Franklin Elementary School: Roosevelt Franklin finds that Suzetta Something is upset, because Hard Head Henry Harris called her a cantaloupe head. Roosevelt tells her that when you're upset with someone, you should tell them how you feel. He negotiates a peace settlement.
(First: Episode 0749)
Cartoon E for End
(First: Episode 0460)
Film A wheel rolls away from a junkyard. A boy captures it to complete his wagon. (Spanish dub)
(First: Episode 0513)
Cartoon Speech Balloon: E for egg
A cow hatches a chick, which says "Moo."
(First: Episode 0002)
Muppets Professor Grover talks about parts of the head, with help from a reluctant Maria.
(First: Episode 0728)
Cartoon A man weighs five pounds of bubble gum. He chews it all, blows a huge bubble, and flies away.
(First: Episode 0617)
Insert Mr. Hooper, Luis, Maria, David and Bob all throw a small amount of litter on the ground, adding to the street's filth. When a voice (Jerry Nelson) asks "Who made this mess?" each one of them denies that it was them, saying they only dropped a small amount of garbage on the street. Soon, however, they realize that they each contributed to the mess in one way or another and pick up what they dropped. The voice then tells them to put the trash in a trash can instead of on the ground.
(First: Episode 0485)
Film A kid recites a poem about adding penguins.
Music: Joe Raposo
(First: Episode 0255)
Cartoon A black cat chases after a white bird, until a white lion steps in.
Artists: The Hubleys
(First: Episode 0255)
Muppets Sesame Street News Flash: RumplestiltskinKermit helps the miller's daughter guess Rumpelstiltskin's name.
(First: Episode 0724)
Cartoon W for Wash
(First: Episode 0485)
Film Most animals have two eyes, ears, etc. ... but some snakes have two heads.
Music: Joe Raposo
(First: Episode 0287)
Cartoon W is for Worm
(First: Episode 0001)
Muppets Muppet & Kid MomentKermit asks Debo if he knows what a W is.
(First: Episode 0563)
SCENE 3 Luis and Susan sing "No Matter What Your Language."
Ernie's Bert Sculpture
Muppets Ernie and Bert: Statue of BertErnie makes a clay bust of Bert, but runs out of clay for the nose.
(First: Episode 0463)
Cartoon The letters in the word BESO kiss each other.
(First: Episode 0433)
Song "Sawmill" - Folk singers detail how lumber is made into usable wood. (beginning edited)
(First: Episode 0657)
Film Jerry Nelson narrates a story about a green Muppet hand that learns to spin a top.
(First: Episode 0362)
Cartoon Drill sergeant 0 roll-calls army of numbers 1-20
(First: Episode 0536)
SCENE 4 With some dramatic music, the Count mysteriously appears and introduces himself to the kids nearby. He expresses his interest in wanting to count in Spanish, and the kids teach him how to do so while counting to ten. The Count celebrates his triumph with his trademark thunder and lightning.
0316 giraffes
Film Sesame Street Animal Films: a herd of giraffes move their way through a field.
(First: Episode 0316)
Cartoon E for Eel
(First: Episode 0408)
Ernie and Bert welcome you
Muppets Ernie and Bert: Special DayBert is curious as to whom Ernie is decorating the room for.
(First: Episode 0352)
Song Joe Raposo sings "Frog Struggle Song."
(First: Episode 0492)

SCENE 5 Oscar asks some kids (John-John, Christopher, and Krystal) if they have any spare trash, then wonders if they know how to count. John-John starts counting until Oscar stops him, asking them to watch a film about his friend Itchy the Wombat, and count his legs during a film of Itchy (First: Episode 0008). Afterwards, Oscar feel like scratching himself, and asks the kids to scratch his back.
Film Marching Band #4
(First: Episode 0529)
Cartoon E for End (repeat)
SCENE 6 The kids play football and swing on the tire swing, as the Count announces the sponsors (with his mention of the number eliciting more thunder).

CLOSING SIGNS Bob and Mr. Hooper hold the Sesame Street sign, and Susan holds the Children's Television Workshop sign.

Previous episode: Next episode:
Episode 0766 Episode 0768