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Sesame Street
David tries to study for a law school exam
(repeat of 0494)
Air date April 24, 1975
Season Season 6 (1974-1975)
Sponsors Q, U, 2


Picture Segment Description
SCENE 1 Mr. Hooper has the day off, but drops by the store to check-in. He sees David has his nose in a book instead of working, which he finds upsetting at first. David explains that he has a big law school exam tonight, so he's studying. Mr. Hooper sees this as important work and permits David to spend the day studying while he takes over. Mr. Hooper beams, "My assistant - the lawyer!"
Muppets Sesame Street News FlashDon Music tries to write "Mary Had a Little Lamb."
(First: Episode 0698)
Cartoon A bird displays the front and back of a turtle.
SCENE 2 David studies out in the yard, when Big Bird comes by with a bookbag. He intends to do some studying too - studying the letter U. He does this rather noisily, pulling out a ukulele and umbrella from his bag. He tries to do something quiet - going under the table, but this only annoys David further. Big Bird has finished his studying, while David still has a lot to do. Big Bird tells him, "Don't feel bad. Not everybody is as fast a learner as me."
Cartoon Dr. Frankenstein makes sure his monster knows about front and back. (Voices by Rick Cimino)
(First: Episode 0782)
Muppets Muppet & Kid MomentGrover and Heather talk about rhyming.
Cartoon A boy needs a letter U to complete the word UP.
(First: Episode 0416)
U for Underpass
Film U, for Underpass
(First: Episode 0494)
Cartoon Speech Balloon: U-Umbrella
(First: Episode 0038)
Cast David and Luis assemble a fractured letter U.
(First: Episode 0468)
SCENE 3 Big Bird tells Mr. Snuffleupagus that they're going to study the number 2 with David. Big Bird sits right beside him, while Snuffy sits behind. David makes sure things are kept quiet as the two stare intently at Big Bird's number 2. David is completely unaware of the looming Snuffleupagus behind him.
Cartoon "Magic Pig"
Artist: Vince Collins
(First: Episode 0772)
SCENE 3 cont'd Big Bird and Snuffy finish their studying and leave David, who just misses seeing Snuffy.
Filmfair q
Cartoon A duck sings about all the reasons why q should be remembered.
Film Trees are very nice places, for animals and for people.
(First: Episode 0455)
Muppets Ernie has four apples, and wants to draw the number 4, showing that he has four apples. However, Cookie Monster wants to eat an apple, so Ernie crosses out the 4 and draws a 3. Then Cookie Monster decides not to eat the apple, causing Ernie to have to cross out the 4 again and draw another 3, over and over again.
(First: Episode 0140)
Cartoon Vaudeville duo Herman Happy and Stanley Sad sing a song about how they live up to their names.
(First: Episode 0772)
Muppets Professor Grover talks about parts of the head, with help from a reluctant Maria.
(First: Episode 0728)
Cartoon Ants carry a huge letter 'Q' uphill.
Film Kids compare animals and human tools and technology.
(First: Episode 0491)
Cartoon "Mad Goat Song"
Artist: Derek Lamb
(First: Episode 0771)
Muppets Little Jerry and the Monotones sing about being "Sad."
(First: Episode 0584)
Film Swimming and flying pelicans.
(First: Episode 0322)
Cartoon Two men compete to be in front.
SCENE 4 Maria has some reading to do and joins David in the yard. However, she likes studying with music, snacks, and tapping her fingers on the table, all of which disturbs David. She finds his method too quiet and goes to read in the park instead.
Cartoon Capital letter U for up
(First: Episode 0401)
Muppets Muppet & Kid MomentBert and Ingrid count backwards from ten to one.
(First: Episode 0527)
Cartoon Julius and Jasper: "Why are you holding one leg up in the air, Jasper?" "Because if I hold two legs up in the air, I fall down!"
Animation by Cliff Roberts
(First: Episode 0406)
Cartoon "Jazz #2"
(First: Episode 0001)
Cartoon A man counts two ears, two eyes and two arms. He picks up each leg to count two legs, and then falls down.
Animation by Cliff Roberts
(First: Episode 0406)
Cartoon A U train spells the words "unite," "U-turn," "underground," "up," and "universe."
(First: Episode 0624)
Cast Bob and Maria are spies who meet under a street lamp and greet each other with a recitation of "Hey Diddle Diddle". Once they've confirmed each others identities, Maria produces a card with shapes and a number while Bob shifts to a rendition of "One of These Things" with a British accent.
(First: Episode 0592)
Cartoon U for Ugly: A man removes his mask, revealing a hideous monster face.
(First: Episode 0468)
Animation Today's Secret Drawing will be a nurse.
(First: Episode 0239)
Muppets Marshal Grover asks Fred the Wonder Horse why he's walking backwards -- he can only see where he's been, and not where he's going. He also wants to know what happened to Fred's head. Fred explains that Marshal Grover doesn't know the difference between front and back. "That is a terrible, mean, cruel thing to say to me, Fred!" Marshal Grover exclaims. "It is true, but..." Fred tells Grover that he's facing backward, and if he turns around, he'll see Fred's head. Grover turns around, and cries: "Oh, Fred! I've missed you! Oh, it's good to see you!" Fred says that if he stays turned around, he'll be able to see where he's going. Grover tries it, and he's proud to know the difference between front and back. Unfortunately, now his head is resting on the saddle, with his feet in the air.
(First: Episode 0629)
Cartoon The front and back of a costumed horse follow an ice cream truck.
(First: Episode 0782)
Cartoon Letter U salesman
(First: Episode 0202)
SCENE 5 Maria flips on her radio, which plays "Here Are Some Things." She and the kids play a round using some forms of transportation and a teapot.
Cartoon A dog learns about U.
(First: Episode 0131)
Gnomes flower vase
Cartoon Three little men climb up the three flower stems.
(First: Episode 0634)
Muppets Ernie & Bert — Ernie explains to the audience how people have two of everything: "Let's see, we've got two eyes, and two ears, and two noses..." "Hey, you ding-a-ling!" Bert interrupts. "You've only got one nose." Ernie promptly pulls Bert's nose off, sticks it to his own face, and keeps counting. "Two noses, and two eyes, and two ears ... too bad!"
(First: Episode 0061)
Cartoon Train #2
(First: Episode 0353)
SCENE 6 David thanks Mr. Hooper for taking over the store for the day and letting him study. He assumes his post back in the store, confident he'll do well this evening. Mr. Hooper strolls back down the block, greeting all his small friends, as Maria announces the sponsors.

CLOSING SIGNS Mr. Hooper holds the Sesame Street sign, while David and Maria hold the CTW sign.

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Episode 0788 Episode 0790