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Dog City
Air Date December 12, 1992
Written by J. D. Smith

Eliot Shag's boss at the network wants a more up-to-date, funky Ace Hart show. At first, Eliot tries to please his boss but quickly realizes that he can't change who Ace Hart is - for anyone. Eliot and Ace stand up to the boss to keep the show as it was originally and manage to get themselves fired.

To pay Eliot's rent, Ace tries working in commercials, French films and nursery rhymes but he fails in all his endeavors. Ace can't hold a job anywhere. Soon Ace discovers that he can't exist unless he has a job in a cartoon. Soon they are on a quest not only to keep Bruno, the superintendent, out of Eliot's hair, but also to save Ace's cartoon life.


  • The title of the episode references a lyric from the song "Heart" in the musical Damn Yankees.

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