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Sesame Street
Maria dislikes David's new mustache
Air date March 10, 1978
Season Season 9 (1977-1978)
Directed by Robert Myhrum
Production January 12, 1978
Sponsors P, Y, 9


Picture Segment Description


SCENE 1 Mr. Snuffleupagus is competing in the Great Snuffleupagus Derby, named such because the winner gets a derby hat. He wears a sheet with the number 9, indicating his spot in the race. He asks Big Bird to watch his bucket of orange juice so he can have a refreshing drink as he passes by mid-race. The derby begins and Snuffy takes off. Big Bird sees other Snuffleupaguses pass by, thinking they're Snuffy, until he sees they're not wearing his number. Big Bird eventually drifts off to sleep, just before Snuffy arrives and slurps down the juice. Big Bird stirs and thinks someone else has drank it all, when Snuffy returns, wearing his victory derby and sets things straight. The two both take a nap together.
Film Nine Song (Song of Nine)
(First: Episode 0016)
Cartoon Monster in the dark (finding a light switch)
(First: Episode 0493)
Muppets Ernie has four apples, and wants to draw the number 4, showing that he has four apples. However, Cookie Monster wants to eat an apple, so Ernie crosses out the 4 and draws a 3. Then Cookie Monster decides not to eat the apple, causing Ernie to have to cross out the 4 again and draw another 3, over and over again.
(First: Episode 0140)
Juggle nine clubs
Celebrity Michael Christensen and Paul Binder are joined by Judy Finelli to juggle nine clubs.
(First: Episode 1070)
Pinball 09
Cartoon Pinball Number Count #9
Animation by Jeff Hale
(First: Episode 1032)
SCENE 2 Maria reminds the Count how to count to 10 in Spanish. In return, the Count teaches her to count to 10 in Transylvanian.
Cartoon The more a man inflates a balloon with a tire pump, the less room he has.
(First: Episode 0294)
BDM Lecture
Muppets Kermit's Lectures: Kermit talks about hair. According to Kermit, "Hair is a part of you. It is not a part of me, because I am a frog." He points out that some people have hair on their heads, while others have it on their faces. But if you have hair all over your body -- like Beautiful Day Monster, who emerges brushing himself and singing "A pretty girl is like a melody ..." -- then you're a monster!
(First: Episode 0028)
Cartoon A kid names his own body parts.
(First: Episode 0809)
Film An Hispanic boy gets up, gets dressed, and goes to school as Spanish music plays (A la luna no voy yo).
(First: Episode 0429)
Cartoon P for Pack
(First: Episode 0504)
Muppets Muppet & Kid MomentGrover asks Brian to explain which of them is "you" and which is "me."
(First: Episode 0294)
Cartoon A letter for "me"
(First: Episode 0781)


SCENE 3 Maria and David meet up for their movie date, and Maria notices David has grown out his mustache. He hopes it makes him look more distinguished and mature, but Maria instead finds it funny and claims he doesn't have a "mustache face" to pull off such a look. David is offended and calls her "narrow-minded." Maria refuses to go out now, until David reveals the mustache was fake the entire time and they share a laugh. He jokingly sticks it on her and remarks that she has a "mustache face." Maria responds "That's the most ridiculous thing I ever hoid!" and they head off to the movies while doing a cigar-holding gesture.
Olivia enters confused by what she just witnessed, lightly feeling her own upper lip.
Cartoon P is for Painting
(First: Episode 0764)
Film Kids paint P-word animals on glass.
(First: Episode 0119)
Muppets Ernie & BertErnie and Bert have pizza and grape juice. Bert complains that Ernie has more of each, so Ernie tries to make it even by eating some of his pizza and drinking some of his grape juice, but then Bert has more. And so on.
(First: Episode 0256)
Song "The Ball Goes Up, The Ball Goes Down"
(First: Episode 0773)
Typewriter P
Cartoon The Typewriter: P for Pencil
(First: Episode 0782)

SCENE 4 Olivia sees Biff calling directions to a bathtub being moved to Sunshine Street. Sully pops up from the other side of the tub, being the only one moving it. Olivia becomes critical and thinks it's unfair that Sully is doing all the work, but Biff insists they both do their part - Sully moves the tub, and he carries the stopper.
Cartoon Two guys row their oars in different directions, until they decide to cooperate and row together.
(First: Episode 0510)
Muppets At night, Grover thinks he hears noises in the dark. When he sees a shadow on the wall, he cowers under the covers - but the shadow turns out to be his Mommy.
(First: Episode 0397)
Cartoon A boy talks about his pet letter Y, named Yetta.
(First: Episode 0443)
Film Knock knock. Who's there? The woodpecker!
(First: Episode 0437)
Cartoon A boy can yell and yodel, and his dog can yelp and yowl. They can both yawn.
(First: Episode 0353)
More Than One Way Family song 1002
Insert Susan and Gordon sing "There's More Than One Way for a Family to Be."
(First: Episode 1002)
Cartoon Two cavemen argue, each chanting "Me!" A large monolith bearing the word ME puts fear in both of them.
(First: Episode 0793)
Muppets Herbert Birdsfoot and Grover talk about "AN" words. Herbert demonstrates the words themselves, while Grover provides visual aids.

The first word they talk about is RAN. While Herbert talks about how to make the word, Grover keeps running around the scene until he tires himself out.
(First: Episode 0160)

Song "Starfish"
(First: Episode 0280)
Muppets Herbert now makes the word "CAN," so Grover makes a stack of them, which he knocks over.
(First: Episode 0160)
Cartoon Jasper thinks that he has lost his elbow, but Julius shows him his elbow by bending his arm.
Artist: Cliff Roberts
(First: Episode 0410)
Muppets Finally, Herbert makes the word "FAN." Grover brings in a fan that blows them both away.
(First: Episode 0160)
Animation 4 red balls minus 1 equals 3.
(First: Episode 0278)
Michael Christensen Paul Binder highest juggle
Celebrity Paul Binder and Michael Christensen demonstrate high, higher, and highest with their juggling clubs.
(First: Episode 1008)
Cartoon The head of a chicken finds its place on top of a chicken's body.
(First: Episode 0974)
Film A girl gets a pair of earrings, intercut with shots of other people's earrings.
(First: Episode 0422)
Animation Sand P/p
(First: Episode 0634)
Muppets Ernie & BertErnie eats one of the two pieces of chocolate cake that Bert was saving for their dessert. Bert sees Ernie holding a fork in one hand and a napkin with some chocolate on it in the other--and in front of him is a plate full of chocolate-cake crumbs. When Bert accuses Ernie of eating the cake, Ernie tells Bert that a monster came in, ate Bert's cake, and framed Ernie. Bert doesn't believe Ernie's lie. But when Bert leaves the room, Beautiful Day Monster comes in and does exactly what Ernie told Bert happened to the first piece. Ernie tries to explain, but Bert says, "I don't want to talk about it."
(First: Episode 0119)
Cartoon P is for Painting (repeat)
SCENE 5 David and the kids play in the yard while Biff announces the sponsors, and the credits follow.

CLOSING SIGNS The Count holds the Sesame Street sign, and Ernie and Bert hold the Children's Television Workshop sign.

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Episode 1129 Episode 1131