Sesame Street | |||||
Returning from Hawaii (repeat of 1096) | |||||
Air date | March 10, 1980 | ||||
Season | Season 11 (1979-1980) | ||||

Picture | Segment | Description |
SCENE 1 | Susan, Gordon, Luis, Linda and David hop on a bus to the airport to meet their friends as they return from Hawaii. Not long after their bus departs from Sesame Street, another bus arrives, dropping off Maria, Olivia, Bob, Mr. Hooper, Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch from the airport. They wonder where everyone is and wish they were around to greet them. | |
Cartoon | Billy Jo Jive and Sunset help out Wrong Way Willie for the big bike race by showing him signs he might encounter. He ends up losing the race for not realizing he can advance beyond the STOP sign. | |
SCENE 1 cont'd | The gang sulks in Hooper's Store, wondering where the others could be. Just then, their bus pulls up and they rant about where the travelers were. They notice Oscar's can is back and the two groups share a nice reunion. Oscar can't take all the pleasantries. As the others head into the store for hot cocoa, Oscar calls out to them, "Next time you can do me a favor: you can forget about me completely!" | |
Cartoon | Tiger likes going to school. (First: Episode 0549) | |
Film | SCHOOL: the sign spins around. (First: Episode 0685) | |
Muppets | A group of Anything Muppet children wander into a classroom and wonder where they are. They lift up their desks and find the letters forming "SCHOOL" on them. | |
Film | Sesame Street Animal Films: Giraffes. (First: Episode 0010) | |
Cartoon | Pinball Number Count #8 (First: Episode 1031) | |
Muppets | The Count sings "Eight Beautiful Notes." (First: Episode 1291) | |
SCENE 2 | Oscar has brought back some gifts for Gordon, Susan and David, which he hopes they'll find so yucchy. He gives Gordon a hunk of volcanic rock, which Gordon finds fascinating and intends to use as a paperweight. Susan is given a jar of Hawaiian mud, which she thinks may help grow some pretty flowers. Finally, David receives the prickly top of a pineapple, which he will plant and grow another pineapple from. "I'm going back to bed," a defeated Oscar exclaims. | |
Cartoon | A man explains to a girl what a surprise is. Artist: Bruce Cayard (First: Episode 1358) | |
Song | "What Can You Do with a Burro?" (First: Episode 1364) | |
Cartoon | P is for Pillow (First: Episode 0374) | |
Muppets | Ernie and Bert: The Case of the Broken Window — Sherlock Hemlock helps Ernie discover how his window got broken. (First: Episode 0238) | |
Cartoon | Sign language: Morning, noon, night (First: Episode 1173) | |
Celebrity | The Deadly Nightshade plays a tune with the kids accompanying on various instruments. (First: Episode 0896) | |
Cartoon | S for Snail Artist: Jeff Hale (First: Episode 1158) | |
Film | Old bottles are made into new bottles at a recycling plant. music: "Black Eyed Peas" by Graham Preskett (First: Episode 0917) | |
Muppets | Herry Monster looks for a triangle. He first spots a rectangle. Grover tells Herry it isn't a triangle, and becomes frustrated. Next he spots a square, Grover tells him it isn't a triangle, and once again is frustrated. Grover suggests that Herry should cut the square in half and make two triangles. (First: Episode 0195) | |
Film | Paper-cut triangles fade into live-action shots of triangle-shaped things. (First: Episode 0538) | |
Cartoon | Jazz #8 (First: Episode 0016) | |
Film | Addition and subtraction using three trapeze artists (version "B") (First: Episode 1041) | |
Muppets | Old West sketches: A couple of cowboy Muppets meet the Alphabet Kid, who claims that he can write the alphabet faster than any man alive. To prove it, he quickly draws his crayon and speedily writes out the whole alphabet. (First: Episode 0307) | |
Cartoon | Picnic with P foods (carried away by ants) Artist: Cliff Roberts (First: Episode 0764) | |
SCENE 3 | Bob, Maria and Mr. Hooper are feeling jet-lagged, but Luis convinces them to participate in a game of "Three of These Things." On the art board, Luis has pictures of things used for sleeping and a tricycle. The three of them start dozing off during the song and as the kids make their guesses. Luis, Linda and David escort the sleepers back to their homes and store counter. | |
Cartoon | The front and back of a costumed horse follow an ice cream truck. (First: Episode 0782) | |
Muppets | Anything Muppets perform an opera about front and back (to the tune of "The Blue Danube"). | |
Cartoon | Dr. Frankenstein makes sure his monster knows about front and back. (Voices: Rick Cimino) (First: Episode 0782) | |
Film | Folk song: Have You Ever Been To The Farm? (First: Episode 0138) | |
Celebrity | Paul Simon performs "St. Judy's Comet." (First: Episode 1055) | |
Cartoon | S for sing (First: Episode 0824) | |
Muppets | Marshal Grover asks Fred the Wonder Horse why he's walking backwards -- he can only see where he's been, and not where he's going. He also wants to know what happened to Fred's head. Fred explains that Marshal Grover doesn't know the difference between front and back. "That is a terrible, mean, cruel thing to say to me, Fred!" Marshal Grover exclaims. "It is true, but..." Fred tells Grover that he's facing backward, and if he turns around, he'll see Fred's head. Grover turns around, and cries: "Oh, Fred! I've missed you! Oh, it's good to see you!" Fred says that if he stays turned around, he'll be able to see where he's going. Grover tries it, and he's proud to know the difference between front and back. Unfortunately, now his head is resting on the saddle, with his feet in the air. (First: Episode 0629) | |
Cartoon | A girl inflates a balloon in the shape of an S. (First: Episode 0414) | |
Song | "Fall Song" (First: Episode 1286) | |
Animation | Sand S/s (First: Episode 0622) | |
Cartoon | Dot Bridge #6: Dot blows raspberry (First: Episode 0001) | |
SCENE 4 | Big Bird sleeps in his nest surrounded by the various things he brought back from Hawaii. Olivia announces the sponsors. | |
CLOSING SIGNS | Baby Breeze, Betty Lou, & Prairie Dawn hold the Sesame Street sign, while two kids hold the CTW sign. |
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Episode 1390 | Episode 1392 |