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Sesame Street
Bob's headache
(repeat of 1427)
Air date February 18, 1982
Season Season 13 (1981-1982)
Sponsors D, Z, 12

1639 00

Picture Segment Description
1427 01
SCENE 1 Big Bird takes care of Hooper's Store while David runs out. Bob phones the store, not feeling well, and asks for a container of orange juice, a bottle of milk and a loaf of bread to be sent up to his apartment. Big Bird repeats the items, until David interrupts his train of thought. Big Bird takes a few moments to remember the order...only now he's forgotten who it's for.
Cartoon A duckling dresses itself, naming all the parts of its coat.
Artist: Cathryn Aison
(First: Episode 1195)
Muppets Marshal Grover and Fred the Wonder Horse spot a kitty stuck in a tree. Grover tries to find ways to get the kitty down such as shaking the tree trunk. He finally came to the conclusion that to get the kitty down, he would climb up the tree to bring it down. However, Fred has another idea to bring the kitty down by calling the kitty by saying "Kitty" and the kitty comes down. Now that the kitty is down, they now have another problem - how is Grover going to get down?
Animation Where do the Ds fit?
(First: Episode 1617)
Film Olivia and Carlotta visit the library, where librarian Mrs. Tan gives them a tour.
1427 02
SCENE 2 David helps Big Bird remember who the groceries were for. Big Bird heads off to Bob's, nearly forgetting to bring the groceries with him.
Cartoon zip, zoom, zoom, zig, zag, zany, zoo.
(First: Episode 0359)
Muppets "Zig Zag Dance"
(First: Episode 1567)
1041Zebra Cartoon Z for zebra and zoo
(First: Episode 0281)
Film Two hands make sounds from other sides of a wall.
(First: Episode 0649)
1427 03
SCENE 3 Big Bird brings the groceries to Bob, who explains he has a headache today and asks Big Bird not to talk so loudly. Big Bird responds by talking so quiet, he's inaudible.
Cartoon The numbers keep changing from 1 to 20 as corny music plays in the background.
(First: Episode 1465)
Muppets Two-Headed Monster: One head wants to play the trumpet, but the other head wants to sleep.
(First: Episode 1390)
Animation Henson Films: Number Twelve Rocks
(First: Episode 0195)
Muppets Sesame Street News Flash: Counting Grand BattementsKermit and Grover count Suzanne Farrell's dance moves.
(First: Episode 1416)
Cartoon Todo el mundo necesita agua
(First: Episode 0780)
Muppets Muppet lettuce, bread, cheese, butter, and ham argue on who an Anything Muppet girl should have for a snack. They all cooperate to make a sandwich.
(First: Episode 1204)
1427 04
SCENE 4 When Oscar sees Susan in her uniform, she explains that her job as a visiting nurse is to administer lots of loving care to help people feel better. Her description is enough to make Oscar feel sick.
Film People jump.
(First: Episode 0774)
Muppets Pageant: Butterfly.
(First: Episode 1443)
Cartoon A baby bird tries and tries again to fly from its nest.
Artist: Irra Verbitsky
(First: Episode 1510)
Film D is a very useful letter -- there are animals, jobs, and hobbies that begin with D.
(First: Episode 0367)
Celebrity Diana Ross sings "Picture a World" to the kids.
Film Kids take swimming lessons in a pool.
(First: Episode 1232)
Muppets Sesame Street News Flash: Frog on the Street: John-JohnKermit interviews John-John on the street.
(First: Episode 1016)
Cartoon Children and animals numbered 1-12 race in a marathon. The #9 runner wins.
(First: Episode 0926)
Muppets In a subway, two Anything Muppets observe how loud and quiet it is.
(First: Episode 1432)
1427 05
SCENE 5 After talking on the phone with Maria, Bob intends to get some rest. However, he is repeatedly disrupted by visitors at his door and others calling on the phone. When he explains what's going on to Susan, she recommends he lie down and get some rest.
Film Footage of a Chinese noodle factory.
(First: Episode 0984)
Muppets Muppet & Kid Moment — Erik shows Grover his teeth, and tells him how they are used.
Film A young baboon sits on the back of their parent as they cross the plain.
Music: Joe Raposo
(First: Episode 0299)
Cartoon A girl draws in her entire body.
Artist: Bruce Cayard
(First: Episode 1008)
1427 06
SCENE 6 Bob comes down to Hooper's, his headache completely gone. The others believe he should've stayed at home, as this could be a sign that he's catching a cold. Bob denies this, then starts to sneeze uncontrollably. Susan escorts him back to his apartment as Oscar announces the sponsors.

CLOSING SIGNS Maria holds the Sesame Street sign, while two kids hold the CTW sign.

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Episode 1638 Episode 1640