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Mopatop's Shop
Written by Mellie Buse
Director Simon Spencer

Mopatop opens the episode by offering something to throw (ball), something to sew, or some crisp white snow.

Mopatop notices some dust blowing around the shop and Puppyduck suddenly sneezes. She is doing some dusting around the shop and the dust tickles her nose. At that moment, Teasy Sneezy enters the shop and asks for a big sneeze after hearing Puppyduck sneeze. Teasy Sneezy wants to able to end a sneeze by saying “Choo” since he can only say “Ah!” Mopatop suggests that Pippa Pepper could help and calls out for her. Pippa Pepper arrives and sprinkles her sneezy peppers around. Soon everyone is sneezing, but Teasy Sneezy can't say “Choo” after sniffing the pepper.

In the attic, Father Mouse and Mother Mouse are stuffing cushions with feathers and sewing them. There are too many feathers, which makes them both start to sneeze. Father Mouse decides to get rid of them by dumping them in the rubbish, but accidentally dumps them in the shop when he trips. Feathers float down and tickles Teasy Sneezy’s nose, causing him to finally sneeze with a “Choo!” As Mopatop and Puppyduck close the shop, they start to sneeze out of control.


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