Sesame Street | |||||||
Air date | January 16, 1984 | ||||||
Season | Season 15 (1983-1984) | ||||||
Written by | Emily Perl Kingsley | ||||||
Picture | Segment | Description |
SCENE 1 | Oscar hosts WORM-TV's Mystery Number Movie of the Day. Midway through their showing of The Mud Above and the Mud Below (a film of pigs set to organ music), Oscar dials the phone number of a lucky viewer who can win a year's supply of trash if they correctly guess today's number of the day - 6; Maria ends up being the unlucky contestant. She does not wish to participate in the proceedings, citing all the work she's been doing at the Fix-It Shop since six o'clock this morning. Since she mentioned today's number, some Grouches appear at the shop and begin tossing bundles of trash at an enraged Maria. | |
Animation | Seis flores (First: Episode 1591) | |
Muppets | Ernie & Bert — Ernie wants to go outside and play catch, but Bert gets him interested in watching his goldfish. (First: Episode 1422) | |
Cartoon | "Pinball Number Count" #6 Artist: Jeff Hale (First: Episode 0983) | |
Song | "Brothers Song" (First: Episode 1476) | |
Animation | Shape organization, part 2 only (First: Episode 0419) | |
Film | An ice cream man hands a boy too many cones. The boy cries out for "HELP" and some kids eat the extras. (First: Episode 0484) | |
Cartoon | A dog answers "Yes" to every question. (First: Episode 0783) | |
Insert | Big Bird and Mr. Snuffleupagus reminisce about the day they first met, but they can't quite remember exactly how it happened. (First: Episode 1122) | |
Cartoon | "I Can Remember": A little girl remembers what to buy at the store (A loaf of bread, a container of milk, and a stick of butter) by visualizing her mother giving the instructions. Artist: Jim Simon (First: Episode 0408) | |
Muppets | Clementine and Buster get on a train, and try to tell Forgetful Jones that he's supposed to get on the train with them, but Forgetful Jones would much rather remember on his own why he's at the train station. The train leaves just as Forgetful remembers why he's there. (First: Episode 1654) | |
Cartoon | A man displays his invention, the A-box, which only takes the letter A. (First: Episode 0781) | |
Cast | Bob plays an explorer named Faversham Svedwick who spends twenty years searching all over the globe for Kermit the Hermit, the Wisest Man in the World. When he finds him, he challenges him to a game of tag. (First: Episode 0974) | |
Cartoon | A for Ape (who crashes into a tree and forms a SHAPE) (First: Episode 0602) | |
SCENE 2 | Gordon shows the kids a number 6, then asks them all what they think things will be like when they all turn six years old. | |
Cartoon | Six camels Artist: Owe Gustafson (First: Episode 1503) | |
Muppets | The Count plans to count apples but, when he's not looking, Cookie Monster sneaks in and eats them. He gives The Count the apple cores to count. (ending edited) (First: Episode 1403) | |
Film | Zookeepers talk about their jobs and the animals they cater to at the zoo. (First: Episode 1641) | |
Muppets | Part 1: Ernie is holding a banana in his ear. Bert tries to tell him that he does so, but he can't hear him because of it. (First: Episode 0258) | |
Cartoon | Speech Balloon: A for Ape (First: Episode 0006) | |
Muppets | Part 2: Ernie reveals that he has a banana in his ear in order to keep the alligators away. He uses Bert's denial of any on Sesame Street as proof that his method works. (First: Episode 0258) | |
Cartoon | "The Story of A": A witch tells bored kids a story about the letter A involving an ant's apple getting stolen by an archer. (First: Episode 0130) | |
Film | Stop! (kids dancing) Music: Joe Raposo (First: Episode 0681) | |
Celebrity | Paul Simon performs "St. Judy's Comet." (First: Episode 1055) | |
Cartoon | Sign Sounds: STOP. After the man reads the sign, two cars screech to a stop, one on each side of him. (First: Episode 1163) | |
Film | A conductor yells "STOP" to his off-key violinist trying to play Vittorio Monti's "Czardas". (First: Episode 0516) | |
Cast / Muppets | Olivia sings about her "One Two Blues" with two Anything Muppets. (First: Episode 1493) | |
Song | "I'm Not a Baby Anymore" (First: Episode 0652) | |
SCENE 3 | At night, a young Honker wanders into Big Bird's nest area. Big Bird sighs as he looks at a picture of his Granny Bird, as he misses her. The young Honker has an idea and returns with their granny Honker, offering to lend her to Big Bird. He doesn't think this can work, citing how different Honkers and birds are. He finds they are still very similar and thinks she might make a fine replacement. The granny Honker helps tuck Big Bird and gives him a good night kiss, then Big Bird requests a lullaby. He comes to regret it, as the granny honks out a very loud tune. | |
Muppets | Muppet & Kid Moment — Ernie and Jennifer talk about the ways in which they are same and different. (First: Episode 1515) | |
Cartoon | E for End (First: Episode 0460) | |
Muppets | Cookie Monster sings "Me Gotta Be Blue." (First: Episode 1828) | |
Film | Kids compete in a speed skating competition (version two). Music: Joe Raposo (First: Episode 0414) | |
Muppets | Anything Muppets (including Farley) shout "E!" (First: Episode 0408) | |
Cartoon | What kind of print does a hand make? (First: Episode 0776) | |
SCENE 4 | The Honkers have situated themselves in Big Bird's nest, keeping him awake as they honk in their sleep. Big Bird decides to telephone Granny Bird and asks for a lullaby. He makes sure she sings it loud enough to drown out the Honkers' snoring. Gordon announces the sponsors as Big Bird begins to drift off. |
- Grouch performers for the first scene include Martin P. Robinson (purple) and Richard Hunt (gray).
Previous episode: | Next episode: |
Episode 1875 | Episode 1877 |