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Sesame Street
The Daily Bird
(repeat of 1676)
Air date February 2, 1984
Season Season 15 (1983-1984)
Sponsors E, F, 12


Picture Segment Description
SCENE 1 Big Bird sees everyone reading newspapers in Hooper's Store. He asks David about some of the stories in today's paper and is appalled that there's not a single item about Sesame Street. David claims nothing important enough ever happens to make the news, which Big Bird balks at - "Why just yesterday playing jacks, I made elevensies! And you don't think that that's news?!" He resolves to create his own newspaper about Sesame Street and storms off, then asks David how one makes a newspaper.
Cartoon E for Eel
(First: Episode 0408)
Muppets Ernie sings "Dance Myself to Sleep."
(First: Episode 1705)
Cartoon A man explains that the letter E begins both Enter and Exit. Another man named Roy runs through the doors.
(First: Episode 0406)

SCENE 2 Big Bird and Jessica become reporters for their new paper, The Daily Bird. They hit the street looking for a scoop and don't find anything out of the ordinary, until they learn Bob has just purchased a new shirt. As Big Bird asks Bob various questions pertaining to his purchase, he fails to notice a marching band cross by behind him.
Song "Starfish"
(First: Episode 0280)
Cartoon A mother bird brings her babies a huge number 12.
(First: Episode 0493)
Film A boy takes dance lessons at The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater.
(First: Episode 1716)

SCENE 3 Telly has joined the staff of The Daily Bird as the photographer. The crew finds the Count about to count something he's never counted before - a dozen quail's eggs. Telly accidentally blows his last flash cube ("What would Lou Grant do in a case like this?," wonders Big Bird), but the Count assures him he will have a flash for the photograph. The Count counts the 12 eggs and his trademark lightning provides a flash for Telly's photo.
Cartoon The Ringmaster displays 12 fluttering finches.
(First: Episode 1295)
Little chrissy you're alive
Muppets Little Chrissy and the Alphabeats sing "You're Alive."
(First: Episode 1482)
Cartoon A caveman sits on what he thinks is a rock, not realizing that it's a dinosaur, which is alive.
(First: Episode 1737)
Cast Gordon preaches the importance of rain as it starts to do so in his office.
(First: Episode 1578)
Animation Henson Films: Number Twelve Rocks
(First: Episode 0195)

SCENE 4 Big Bird uses the paper in his latest scheme to prove Mr. Snuffleupagus' existence. He plans a big story about Snuffy, complete with a photograph of the two of them. He sets up the camera with a timer so they can both be in the shot, but the final photo only manages to capture a bit of Snuffy's fur and Big Bird's feathers. The two easily recognize the photo as themselves and assume other readers will too, thus considering their plan a success after all.
Cartoon What would happen if I popped this balloon?
(First: Episode 1312)
Film A zookeeper feeds some polar bears sardines.
(First: Episode 1647)
Muppets "Bein' Green," with Lena Horne and Kermit the Frog.
(First: Episode 0637)
Cartoon E for Erase
(First: Episode 0486)
SCENE 5 Big Bird and Telly find their next story with the Amazing Mumford, who is working on a new subtraction trick. However, the trick subtracts Telly by making him disappear, thus preventing him from taking a photo. Mumford tries it again and makes himself disappear, but Telly snaps a photo too late.
Cartoon A bird subtracts two balloons from a group of three.
Artist: Cliff Roberts
(First: Episode 0530)
Muppets The Count extinguishes electric candles by counting them with his finger. As he heads up the stairs for bed, he steps on Fatatita. He also tells his wolf Yuba to run and play with his friends.
(First: Episode 0545)
Cartoon A lion and mouse help each other.
(First: Episode 1868)
Song Joe Raposo sings "Flying."
(First: Episode 0394)
Cartoon Cloud blows things FFFFFFFF
(First: Episode 0387)
Muppets A baby Honker hatches from an egg and learns to honk like all the Honkers.
(First: Episode 1616)
Animation Sand F/f
(First: Episode 0629)

SCENE 6 Big Bird has spent the last half-hour hen-pecking his paper on the typewriter, but has only managed to write "Story by Big Bird" (albeit completely misspelled). He wonders how newspaper organizations produce so much every day, when Susan tells him they have a printing process. She offers to type up the paper for him, but he has a better idea and asks her to leave the kids she's brought over. Susan goes outside and tells Bob about this. They go back in to check-up on them and find they're all cooperating by making prints with crayon as Big Bird supervises: "Ben Bradlee, eat your heart out!"
Cartoon Two groups of mountain goats try to pass each other on a mountain road.
(First: Episode 0780)
Muppets Ernie and Bert: Shoe Dropping NeighborBert urges Ernie to go to sleep, but Ernie won't go to sleep until the person living upstairs drops his other shoe.
(First: Episode 0176)
Cartoon Sign language: Morning, noon, night
(First: Episode 1173)
Film Footage of a baby learning to walk.
Music: Joe Raposo
(First: Episode 0427)


SCENE 7 Big Bird cries out, "Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Read the Daily Bird...Sesame Street's own paper!" The kids bring out the printed newspaper, which is rendered on a giant paper board. The adults are impressed by their work and Big Bird asks David to have it placed at the Hooper's Store newsstand with the other periodicals (though it covers up the entire thing). The others ask for copies, though Big Bird wasn't aware he was supposed to make more than one. They all share it instead and continue reading. Telly announces the sponsors.

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