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Sesame Street
Big Bird loses Radar
Air date February 4, 1986
Season Season 17 (1985-1986)
Written by Sara Compton
Production November 25, 1985
Sponsors H, N, 6


Picture Segment Description
SCENE 1 Maria, Gordon, and the kids see Forgetful Jones has a new, large hat. He was given it by Clementine, claiming it would be so big he'd never forget it. Maria and Gordon teach Forgetful some synonyms for "big" he can use to describe it, only now he's forgotten what it's called.
Cartoon Six pigs
Artist: Owe Gustafson
(First: Episode 1472)
Muppets Grover asks The Amazing Mumford if he could make his carrot disappear, provided that some smoke appears. Mumford performs the trick and Grover is impressed by the puff of smoke, however he fails to notice Mumford chomping on his carrot. When Grover asks Mumford to make the carrot reappear, he replies that he can't because he ate it ("You didn't say anything about magic!").
(First: Episode 1210)
Film "Six Song (Song of Six)."
(First: Episode 0011)
Cartoon At the Pride Day Ceremony, Donald is waiting to describe his proudest accomplishment, and is initially unsure of himself next to other impressive students. He finally proudly acclaims his achievement, tying his shoes all by himself.
Artist: John Korty
(First: Episode 2085)
Film Baby turtles swim around.
Music: Joe Raposo
(First: Episode 0294)

SCENE 2 David and the kids play basketball. Big Bird wants to join, but can't find a way he can keep hold of Radar and play effectively. He eventually asks Forgetful to take care of his bear. David isn't sure it's a good idea and they soon find both Forgetful and Radar have gone.
Cartoon A baby bird tries and tries again to fly from its nest.
Artist: Irra Verbitsky
(First: Episode 1510)
Animation A kerosene lamp assembles itself in stop-motion.
(First: Episode 1473)
Cartoon Two dots play hide-and-seek amongst different shaped blocks.
(First: Episode 0780)
Muppets Sesame Street News Flash: Baby Monster Day Care CenterCookie Monster seeks Kermit's reward.
(First: Episode 1322)
Cartoon A man weighs five pounds of bubble gum. He chews it all, blows a huge bubble, and flies away.
(First: Episode 0617)
SCENE 3 The gang finds Forgetful, who doesn't appear to have Radar on his person anymore. They try and get him to remember where he's been, which might clue them to where Radar is. Forgetful thinks really hard and remembers having just ridden the subway from his ranch, having taken a bath there after paying a visit to Oscar's trash can; in each vision, Forgetful can't see Radar anywhere. Everyone goes off to the can to see if that's where Radar is.
Cartoon A boy gets lost, and encounters a man with a yo-yo, who tells him to remember everything he passed.
Artist: Jeff Hale
(First: Episode 0408)
Muppets The Twiddlebugs attempt to exit a roller skating rink.
(First: Episode 1468)
Cartoon 6 mice, 6 snakes, 6 fish, 6 monkeys, 6 witches
(First: Episode 1711)
Film A mailman on horseback delivers mail in the Appalachian mountains of Kentucky.
(First: Episode 0493)
Muppets The Two-Headed Monster finds a piano and decides to play it. The left half wants to play short notes, while the other half prefers to run his fingers across the keyboard. They decide to cooperate, and both use their notes to play "Chopsticks".
(First: Episode 1366)
SCENE 4 Everyone reaches Oscar's can and he naturally refuses to cooperate. He eventually relents and tosses out every teddy bear he has, none of which is Radar. Big Bird decides to take matters into his own hands and visit the Bureau of Missing Bears.
Cartoon A mad scientist puts together a capital H.
(First: Episode 0284)
Song Joe Raposo sings "Doggy Paddle."
(First: Episode 1967)
Cartoon Two boys peek into a fire house, and write HAT, HOSE, and HOOK on the window using their breath. Two dogs come by and wonder what a HAT HOSE HOOK is, but their question is answered when the fire truck leaves the station.
Artist: Paul Fierlinger
(First: Episode 1204)

SCENE 5 At the Bureau of Missing Bears, bearacrat Big Bear (Kevin Clash) fields Big Bird's case. He prods Big Bird to give him as accurate a description of Radar as he can, as many teddy bears look alike. He whips open a cabinet full of teddy bears with red ties like Radar, but he's not among the collection. When asked to now fill out a large stack of paper work, Big Bird runs out upset.
Cartoon H for hair
(First: Episode 0475)
Film Two kids help an old man (Taro Yashima) get his dragon kite in the air.
(First: Episode 0444)

Celebrity Suzanne Farrell takes small and big steps, then has a little lunch and a big lunch.
(First: Episode 1422)
Lowercase n
Cartoon "Lowercase n"
(First: Episode 0358)
Muppets Ernie & Bert — At night, Ernie can't sleep because he's thirsty. Bert is out of town visiting his brother, so Ernie calls Bert on the phone to tell Bert he's thirsty. He follows Bert's advice to get a glass of water, but calls Bert again to thank him, and say he can't sleep. Bert suggests that he count sheep ... except Ernie doesn't hang up the phone.
(First: Episode 1943)
Cartoon Nancy the nanny goat nibbles her nails and notices noodles.
Artist: Tee Collins
(First: Episode 0240)

SCENE 6 At Hooper's Store, Maria, Gordon, and David are working furiously on ways to help find Radar. Forgetful strolls in and Maria requests he take the giant hat off so as not to bother her. He does so, revealing Radar on top of his head, but everyone is too focused on their work to notice. Big Bird sadly strolls in from his lousy visit at the Bureau ("They're worse than the Department of Motor Vehicles!" he declares). Feeling bad, Forgetful starts to cry, getting everyone's attention and they see Radar on his head. Forgetful remembers that he put Radar under his hat to make sure he wouldn't set him down and forget him someplace. Big Bird is very happy now, and Forgetful wonders why everyone is working to find Radar when he had him the whole time.
Cartoon A crocodile, snake, and kangaroo all cooperate to escape from the zoo and get ice cream.
(First: Episode 1577)
Film Pizza is made.
Music: Joe Raposo
(First: Episode 0416)
Cartoon In rhyme, a man points out animals who stole and/or ruined his clothing.
(First: Episode 0778)
Muppets Cookie Monster sings "If Moon Was Cookie."
(First: Episode 1789)
Cartoon I Love You, in American Sign Language
Artist: Steve Finkin
(First: Episode 1170)
SCENE 7 Big Bird settles in with Radar to go to sleep, relieved after the long day they've had. David announces the sponsors.

Previous episode: Next episode:
Episode 2151 Episode 2153