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Sesame Street
Maria's pregnancy — Getting ready for the baby
Air date April 26, 1989
Season Season 20 (1988-1989)
Written by Sonia Manzano
Production December 14, 1988
Sponsors E, Z, 11

2603 00

Picture Segment Description
2603 01
SCENE 1 Luis has a book all about pregnancy and correctly finds the things Maria is currently experiencing are normal in her current stages. She jokingly wonders if the book has anything about saying "hello" to the viewer and getting a kiss from Luis.
Cartoon A man asks the viewer to circle him, draw a line to him, follow him with arrows, etc.
(First: Episode 2058)
Muppets Ernie and Bert: Ernie's Disguise KitErnie tries to fool Bert with his many disguises.
(First: Episode 1170)
Cartoon Two groups of mountain goats try to pass each other on a mountain road.
(First: Episode 0780)
Song David sings "Can You Tell Me What Belongs Here?"
(First: Episode 2467)
Letter E
Animation E / e (elephant / jazzy trumpet)
(First: Episode 2222)
2603 02
SCENE 2 Big Bird sees Maria doing some special exercises (as recommened by Luis' book) to help for when the baby is born. When one says, "Relax," she slumps in a chair and starts breathing heavily. When no chair is available, Maria finds it a good way to get hugs from Luis.
Cartoon "It's a Lovely Eleven Morning"
Artist: Bud Luckey
(First: Episode 0362)
Muppets Sesame Street News Flash: Alice in WonderlandAlice drinks a beverage that makes her grow.
(First: Episode 1765)
Cartoon Round and angled pegs fit into their respective holes. (ending trimmed)
(First: Episode 1452)
Muppets In the woods, a nature-loving baritone (Jim Henson) sings "Ah, For the Joys of the Countryside" about how much he loves the country, without noticing that his surroundings are being converted into a city.
(First: Episode 1008)
Cartoon A girl tries on big, bigger, and the biggest shoes.
Artist: Bruce Cayard
(First: Episode 0252)
2603 03
SCENE 3 Big Bird practices the earlier technique while the couple has a meal at Hooper's Store, causing Maria to spill her cup of water on Luis.
Cartoon A man saws a letter E through the wall.
(First: Episode 0370)
Muppets Muppet & Kid MomentGrover asks Maya to help him follow an arrow. The arrow changes direction until Grover falls down, exhausted.
(First: Episode 1641)
Song "Five Onstage Dancers"
(First: Episode 0539)
Cartoon A baby bird falls from a tree. A boy puts him back, and in return, the mother bird saves the boy from embarrassment.
(First: Episode 0550)
Muppets The Two-Headed Monster looks at different shapes.
(First: Episode 1629)
Cartoon Z for zigzag, zero, zoo, and zebra
(First: Episode 1763)
2603 04
SCENE 4 Big Bird gets Maria to practice her breathing while she's at the bus stop, causing her to miss the bus. She doesn't mind much and escorts Big Bird to the subway, continuing the exercise as they walk.
Cartoon Sign Sounds: OINK
(First: Episode 1163)
Muppets Harry Belafonte and The Count sing "Coconut Counting Man."
(First: Episode 1692)
Cartoon Do you know what it's like to be scared?
(First: Episode 0547)
Film A look at how families do chores both on a farm and in the city.
(First: Episode 2226)
Muppets Old West: Sinister Sam comes to the saloon, looking for Doc Holiday. He questions the frightened townspeople, looking for the doctor, but all he can find is a mailman and a fire fighter. Sam says they'd better find the doctor, because he's got an itchy trigger finger. The doctor is found, cowering under a table. The doctor asks what Sam wants with him, and the mean hombre says that his finger is really itchy -- it's driving him crazy. Is it a mosquito bite? Should he use some lotion on it? Doc Holiday faints. Sam shrugs, and joins the other patrons at the bar for some milk.
(First: Episode 0318)
Cartoon A toothbrush talks to a mouth about what could happen if not taken care of.
(First: Episode 1476)
2603 05
SCENE 5 Maria's pregnant belly prevents her from working efficiently at the Fix-It Shop and Luis suggests (backed up by his book) that she should just rest. She still feels like working and gets him to fetch her a pillow. She rests it behind her head and gives him instructions to repair a busted speaker. Big Bird enters and gets her to do her relaxation exercise, causing her to fall asleep.
Song Joe Raposo sings "Somebody Come and Play."
Snow leopards version
(First: Episode 2519)
Muppets Kermit's Lectures: Kermit talks about the letter Z, but it turns up and becomes an N.
(First: Episode 2102)
Cartoon Three characters try to watch a baseball game over a fence, then cooperate by stacking their blocks.
(First: Episode 0478)
Film Squares are shown in close-up.
(First: Episode 0420)
Muppets Ernie and Bert: Watching FishErnie wants to go outside and play catch, but Bert gets him interested in watching his goldfish.
(First: Episode 1422)
Pinball 11
Cartoon Pinball Number Count #11
Artist: Jeff Hale
(First: Episode 0988)
2603 06
SCENE 6 With some prompting from Big Bird, Luis imagines what it would be like if he were the pregnant one, having a tough time reaching up or down for things before Big Bird enters the fantasy and says, "Relax," to him. He continues doing Maria's breathing exercises even after they are through imagining.
Cartoon A man tells a confused boy that he saw a bird on a tree, with both of their thoughts appearing on the screen.
(First: Episode 0565)
Muppets The American Revolution: The Declaration of IndependenceGrover provides assistance in getting the Declaration of Independence written.
(First: Episode 2345)
Cartoon A construction worker explains the uses of a folding ruler.
(First: Episode 0572)
Song Joe Raposo sings "Trying and Trying Again."
(First: Episode 0631)
Cartoon Speech Balloon: E for egg
A cow hatches a chick, which says "Moo."
(First: Episode 0002)
2603 07
SCENE 7 Maria jokingly reads from Luis' book that fathers-to-be should give their wives lots of presents like flowers and candy all the time. Luis grabs back the book and instead claims it recites the day's sponsors.

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