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Sesame Street
Telly gets a furcut
Air date November 16, 1990
Season Season 22 (1990-1991)
Written by Nancy Sans
Directed by Jon Stone
Production November 28, 1989
Sponsors K, M, 6


Picture Segment Description

SCENE 1 Mike tries bringing Telly Monster to the Barber Shop to get a furcut, but Telly stalls by pointing out the interesting spots on the sidewalk. Mike explains that he used to be scared of haircuts, but assures Telly it won't hurt. Telly claims he's had furcuts previously and knows they won't hurt, but stops once more to observe the spots on the stoop wall. Mike can tell this is going to take a while - luckily, he's brought some snacks while waiting for Telly.
Song Bob sings Joe Raposo's "Look a Little Closer." (dog)
(First: Episode 2677)
Cartoon K is for Karate
(First: Episode 0489)
Groverwaitercomida Muppets Grover the Waiter at La Casa de Comidas
(First: Episode 1793)
Film Scenes of flowers set to harmonica music
(First: Episode 2497)
Muppets Gordon reads the story of "Stan and Dan." Dan copies everything that Stan does, until Dan becomes a hippie.
(First: Episode 2030)
Cartoon Rap #6
(First: Episode 2502)

SCENE 2 On another part of the street, Uncle Wally joins Mike on a bench as he waits for Telly, who's currently observing the different leaves in a bush. Uncle Wally reminisces about his first haircut in a sepia-tone flashback. He recalls being concerned that he would look different post-haircut and no one would recognize him. His fears were soon put to rest when a few of his grown-up friends gave him compliments. Telly claims he's actually looking forward to his haircut, but runs home first to take his shoes out of the fridge. "He must have cold feet," Uncle Wally states.
Cartoon Jake the Snake demonstrates body parts.
Artist: Buzzco Associates, Inc.
(First: Episode 2486)
Muppets Sesame Street News Flash: Baby Monster Day Care CenterCookie Monster seeks Kermit's reward.
(First: Episode 1322)
Cartoon Little Red Riding Hood uses a map to get to Grandma's house.
(First: Episode 2686)
Cast Maria as Chaplin falls in love with a painting (Linda) at the art museum.
(First: Episode 2033)
Cartoon A mouse demonstrates between by squeezing between two elephants.
Song "Reach Your Hand Up High"
(First: Episode 2702)
Cartoon K - Kangaroo
Artist: Jeff Hale
(First: Episode 1160)
SCENE 3 The Barber Shop is now just a block away, but Telly stops their trip once more; he wants to make sure he still knows the alphabet. After reciting it, Mike continues dragging him to the shop.
SCENE 3 cont'd Exiting the Barber Shop is Spike, who's just gotten a new do, plus the word "GO" shaved in the back of his head. Telly begins stalling once more, trying to come up with an interesting word he could have written in his fur. Mike wonders how much longer his provisions will last.
Song "Fixin' My Hair"
(First: Episode 2734)
Animation M / m (Gordon voiceover)
(First: Episode 2232)
Celebrity Madeline Kahn sings, "Mmm...Madeline."
(First: Episode 2370)
Muppets "It's Funny"
(First: Episode 0897)
Animation "We Are Kids From Far and Wide": A girl describes the preparation for the Galungan festival in Bali, Indonesia.

Film A little girl narrates a film about how cans can be recycled. She washes them and collects them in a wagon, which she takes to the recycling center. There it is sorted and separated with a magnet. After its loaded onto trucks, it is taken to a factory to be melted and shaped into new cans like the ones seen in her fridge at home.
(First: Episode 2740)
Cartoon Two scribbles are hesitant to let a tall green one join them, until it protects them from the rain.
(First: Episode 1477)
SCENE 4 Uncle Wally tries talking to Telly some more about getting a furcut, when Mike brings out Barbra the Barber (Lee Chamberlin), who sings a song about the care she'll take in cutting his fur. Just as she's about to begin, he runs off in fear. The adults all go to find him.
Cartoon Building a dog house is easy if you have a ruler.
(First: Episode 0630)
Film / Muppets Alphaquest: M
The girl uses mittens to make monster mush, which is eaten by a Muppet monster.
(First: Episode 2724)
Animation See the lion walk.
(First: Episode 0993)
Muppets The Count sings "One Potato" while counting the items vendors are selling.
(First: Episode 1380)
Cartoon Dot Bridge (last dot shows up early)
(First: Episode 0001)
SCENE 5 The adults find Telly hiding under the garage steps. Telly admits that he doesn't want a furcut because of the fur he'll lose; he considers his fur to be his friend and he misses it when it's gone. Barbra promises to bag his fur afterward so he can keep it as long as he pleases. Telly likes the plan and comes out of hiding, while Mike heads to the grocery store - he's starving.
Cartoon Six camels
Artist: Owe Gustafson
(First: Episode 1503)
Muppets "Listen to the Bells"
(First: Episode 1955)
Hippo coconut
Cartoon A hippo has difficulty getting the succulent fruit down from a tree, and enlists the help of another hippo.
Artist: John Korty
(First: Episode 1899)
Song Joe Raposo sings "Families."
(First: Episode 0454)
Muppets Kermit the Frog counts six happy little Twiddlebugs, and when he is finished, the Twiddlebugs have a party.
(First: Episode 0280)
Cartoon The king of the Farcums wants a pyramid built; he and his subjects get inspiration from a seesaw.
Artist: Bruce Cayard
(First: Episode 2631)

SCENE 6 Barbra has finished Telly's furcut and hands him the paper bag, full of his fur. Telly thinks of all the fun times he and his old fur can have while Mike announces the sponsors, and the credits roll.

Guest cast[1][]


  1. Season 22 spreadsheet

Previous episode: Next episode:
Episode 2749 Episode 2751