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Sesame Street
Air date April 1, 1991
Season Season 22 (1990-1991)
Written by Sonia Manzano
Directed by Lisa Simon
Production December 12, 1990
Sponsors H, Q, 12


Picture Segment Description
SCENE 1 Maria introduces the word "WET." She tries to describe it, but is interrupted by others (Alex, Lisa, Snuffy, and Kaitlyn) who remark how hot the weather is today. Maria writes the word "HOT" on the other side of her card, noting that when it's hot out it feels nice to get "WET." She's then doused with water from above.
Song "Hot in the City"
(First: Episode 2751)
Cartoon A mother bird brings her babies a huge number 12.
(First: Episode 0493)
Muppets Telly is shocked to see Little Chrissy and the Alphabeats at the library. They explain that in addition to being rock stars, they're also "Rock 'N Roll Readers."
(First: Episode 2612)
Cartoon Two boys peek into a fire house, and write HAT, HOSE and HOOK on the window using their breath. Two dogs come by and wonder what a HAT HOSE HOOK is, but their question is answered when the fire truck leaves the station.
Artist: Paul Fierlinger
(First: Episode 1204)
SCENE 2 Alex and Lisa observe that Athena is wide awake, despite being daytime, due to the hot weather. She uses the time to practice scat singing when Snuffy and Kaitlyn invite her to jump rope, begging her to join. Grundgetta emerges, disgusted by all their use of the word "please," and convinces Athena to keep singing since that's what she really wants to do. Snuffy and Kaitlyn understand and move along, while Alex praises Grundgetta's impromptu lesson on peer pressure. Athena then drives Grundgetta away with her singing, refusing to leave when the Grouch tells her to get lost.
Animation Planet Q / q
(First: Episode 2838)
Muppets Sesame Street News Flash: Old MacDonald's Spaceship — A spaceship lands on Old MacDonald's farm.
(First: Episode 2021)
Cartoon A runner leaps over letter H hurdles.
(First: Episode 2519)
Film Joe Raposo sings "Dressed Up."
(First: Episode 0302)
Muppets "The Rhymies at Sea" - Larry, Mary and Barry sail on a ship, which sinks.
(First: Episode 1149)
Cartoon Consonant Sound Limerick: H - Horse
(First: Episode 1167)
Cast Gordon, Bob, Maria and Gina sing a song about exploring in the yard. Bob is transported to the beach, Gordon to the farm, Maria to the top of a mountain and Gina to the bottom of the ocean.
(First: Episode 2744)
Cartoon An alien comes across a pair of tree trunks; one with multi-colored leaves, the other without. He finds and grows leaves to mount on the other tree, then strings a hammock between the two.
(First: Episode 1451)
Film Two boys walk though a city neighborhood to some funky break dancing music.
(First: Episode 2679)
Muppets Telly sounds out the word COLD and is struck with a snow storm.
(First: Episode 1543)
Cartoon Edgar Turtle's three nephews demonstrate a round by singing "Redwood Tree."
(First: Episode 2506)
Film Looking for triangles in the city (Maria voiceover)
(First: Episode 2696)

Muppets Oscar the Grouch hosts "The Trash is Right", in which contestant Grundgetta has to match each pile of trash with the picture of the person who threw it away.
(First: Episode 2258)
Song "Every Bit of Litter Hurts"
(First: Episode 2721)
Film In stop-motion, a boy makes landscapes out of sand and water.
(First: Episode 2039)
Cartoon A man tries to carve a sculpture of George Washington, but the material cracks, forcing him to change it several times. He ends up using the remaining parts to make a paperweight for his plans.
(First: Episode 2768)
Muppets Grover's Health Minute: Kermit the Frog and Grover talk about teeth. Grover notices that Kermit does not have any teeth at all, so he puts a pair of teeth in Kermit's mouth. Grover says to see a "tooth checker," to eat crunchy things like bananas and to clean teeth with a "tooth comb."
(First: Episode 1949)
Song "Sawmill" - Folk singers detail how lumber is made into usable wood. (beginning edited)
(First: Episode 0657)
Cartoon What's missing? (a guitar)
(First: Episode 1971)
SCENE 3 Mike brings his lunch to the yard, where Prairie Dawn struggles to write a pageant song about lunch. Mike allows her to taste his lunch items to inspire her, but she ends up eating and drinking everything. Mike is dismayed and wonders how such a little girl can eat so much. Prairie gives him a thought to chew on: "Just because someone is little, it does not mean they cannot really put it away."
Film Kids play in the snow.
Music: Joe Raposo
(First: Episode 0292)
Cartoon What does the word COLD match with?
(First: Episode 2087)
Muppets Ernie and Bert sing "Feelin' Good/Feelin' Bad."
(First: Episode 1164)
Film Cat block structure.
(First: Episode 1824)
Cartoon Q/q (balloons)
(First: Episode 2241)
SCENE 4 Lisa plays basketball in the yard while Alex studies; they both conclude practice with each will improve their skills. Lisa misses a shot and startles Maria, who drops her wood planks as she exits the garage; they both agree she needs more practice.
Cartoon "The Story of Princess Twelvia".
Artist: Irra Verbitsky
(First: Episode 1676)
Muppets The Count sings about what he does when there's "Nothing to Count" - he imagines counting birdies and elephants.
(First: Episode 1940)
Cartoon A fat man and a small man demonstrate top and bottom.
(First: Episode 0525)
Film Shopping for soup ingredients.
(First: Episode 0515)
Cartoon mydoghappy
Cartoon A boy demonstrates why his dog's name is Happy.
(First: Episode 0537)
SCENE 5 Lisa ropes Alex into practicing with her... by briefly using his curved arms as a basket. (Alex: "I always wanted to become a human hoop.") Alex begins to assist Lisa as Maria announces the sponsors.

Previous episode: Next episode:
Episode 2845 Episode 2847