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Sesame Street
Listening to WUFF radio
Air date December 1, 1993
Season Season 25 (1993-1994)
Written by Nancy Sans
Production September 20, 1993
Sponsors C, U, 14
Syndication 123 Sesame Street


Picture Segment Description
SCENE 1 At the Fix-It Shop, Kerri welcomes the viewer as Maria finishes fixing a radio. Telly becomes concerned that Maria is "hurting" the radio with her screwdriver, but Maria and Kerri remind him what it means when something is "alive." She turns the radio on and finds that it's tuned to a canine station: WUFF Radio, where reporters Terry Terrier and Annie Afghan give a shout-out and thanks to the folks at the Fix-it Shop for their recent explanation on what's alive.
1095o Cartoon C is for Cowboy (new music added)
(First: Episode 0703)
Celebrity Robin Williams demonstrates with his shoe how to tell if something is alive.
(First: Episode 2749)
Film The floating kids form a square.
(First: Episode 3132)
Muppets Sesame Street News Flash: The Princess and the CKermit meets the wrong princess.
(First: Episode 2527)
1095l Cartoon C is for Candle
(First: Episode 0703)
SCENE 2 Maria explains to Telly that a radio isn't the same as television since it has no picture. Kerri notes that the two aren't much different to her since she's blind. They all tune in to WUFF to listen to today's broadcast of "Puppy Dog Tales," which features the story of Old Mother Hubbard. As Terry Terrier narrates, Telly uses his imagination to picture the story. At the nursery rhyme's conclusion, a second announcer (Martin P. Robinson) chimes in with a happy ending: Mother Hubbard had a box of Fido's Favorites (the program's sponsor) in her other cupboard, which inexplicably makes Telly become hungry for the product as well.

Song "What's Inside?" (Cookie Monster cameo)
(First: Episode 3134)
Cartoon Speech Balloon: Two men demonstrate "up" on a teeter totter; one man ends up crashing through the ceiling. (new sting added)
(First: Episode 0650)
Muppets Ernie and Bert: Happy Birthday to UErnie sings "Happy Birthday" to a letter U. (new sting added)
(First: Episode 1306)
Animation Sand U/u
(First: Episode 0624)
Film Children dance to different rhythms from around the world.
(First: Episode 2499)
Cartoon The front and back of a costumed horse follow an ice cream truck.
(First: Episode 0782)
Film Slide puzzle - truck (new sting added)
(First: Episode 0403)
Cartoon "Why Bears Smile" - a story of a bear who learned which body part to cover when sneezing. (new music added)
Artist: Bruce Cayard
(First: Episode 1109)

SCENE 3 At the WUFF station, Terry Terrier and co-host Annie Afghan introduce a game of "Name That Sound," which Telly decides to participate in. He calls 1-800-BOW-WOW and he and Kerri have to identify the sounds of three things dogs like to chase. They are able to guess the first two as a firetruck and a cat, but the third sound of barking and crashing noises stumps them. Terry reveals that the last sound was Annie chasing her tail (wrecking the studio in the process). Telly doesn't mind not winning the prize since it was a rawhide chew-bone.
Cartoon A boy finds a set of doors with animals that make the wrong sound, and swaps the doors to correct them.
(First: Episode 2711)
Film Five girls play a clapping game.
(First: Episode 2763)
Cast Linda shows a girl how to sign the word EXIT.
(First: Episode 2653)
Cartoon A honking orange ball follows signs to the EXIT.
(First: Episode 1879)
Film Animals and children bathe in water.
Music: Joe Raposo
(First: Episode 0615)
Cartoon Three scribbles exercise.
Artist: Fred Garbers
(First: Episode 1579)
Muppets While standing next to a tree being cut down, Professor Grover talks about the importance about listening... especially if the sound indicates some kind of danger.
(First: Episode 1789)
Film Alone Song
(First: Episode 0921)

Cast Gordon hosts "The Crossing Zone," in which a boy named Jonathan has to find a way to cross the street. Susan helps him across.
(First: Episode 2729)
Animation Can you find the flamingos?
(First: Episode 2791)
SCENE 4 Next on WUFF, Terry is scheduled to give "The Walk Report." The program is preceded by a word from the station's sponsor, Dieter Dachshund's School for Bark Counting. Dieter explains how his school will help students count their many barks properly, and counts a few of his own as an example. "The Walk Report" follows and after reporting the problem walk areas, Terry realizes he's late for his own walk and has Dieter count more barks to fill time.
Song "Washin' the Dog"
(First: Episode 3020)
Cartoon The Bellhop is asked to carry a guest's two small (but heavy) bags to room 14.
(First: Episode 2571)
Cartoon Growing Numbers #14
(First: Episode 2930)
Cartoon "Sing a Song of Fourteen"
(First: Episode 2670)
Muppets The Count sings about what he does when there's "Nothing to Count" - he imagines counting birdies and elephants.
(First: Episode 1940)
Cartoon A British man narrates how chewing gum is made in Guatemala.
Artist: ArtistMike
(First: Episode 2830)
SCENE 5 Terry comes back from his walk and answers a call from Conchita Chihuahua (Carmen Osbahr), who also runs a barking school which teaches how to count in Spanish. Dieter angrily returns and challenges her to a bark-off, which Conchita agrees to.
Animation Counting to 10 (Latin rhythm)
(First: Episode 3097)
Muppets "One Banana"
(First: Episode 1941)
Film Puzzle pieces make a video of a bear.
(First: Episode 3085)
Song "Would You Like to Go Over?"
(First: Episode 3034)
Animation Two giddy female scribbles introduce themselves to a bar code, who can only beep. They recognize him from the supermarket.
Artist: Fred Garbers
(First: Episode 2981)
Animation Shapes sort themselves in different ways, and eventually make a quilt.
(First: Episode 3103)
Cast Big Bird and the Birdketeers pretend to fly, as Big Bird sings "We're Flying."
(First: Episode 2928)
Cat dog toon
Cartoon Two kids argue over a cat and a dog, who chase each other around the fence.
(First: Episode 1210)
Muppets Monsterpiece Theater: The Sun Also RisesGrover and Merry Monster are worried because their rooster will not crow.
(First: Episode 2860)
Animation As the seasons change, so do one's outfits. (early computer graphics)
(First: Episode 1898)
SCENE 6 Telly and Kerri tune in to WUFF to hear the big bark-off. Wasting no time, Maria announces the sponsors and says "Adios" to the viewer as Dieter and Conchita bark and count away.


  • The music intro for Dieter's commercial spot would be used the following season for a film segment about the words ONE WAY.

Previous episode: Next episode:
Episode 3142 Episode 3144