Sesame Street | |||||||
Zoe joins the band | |||||||
Air date | February 5, 1996 | ||||||
Season | Season 27 (1995-1996) | ||||||
Written by | Sonia Manzano | ||||||
Picture | Segment | Description |
SCENE 1 | Zoe hears the sound of various instruments nearby and goes to check it out. She finds Bob at the piano inside Finders Keepers leading Luis, Ruthie, and the kids in the Sesame Street Almost All Kazoo Band. They give her a kazoo since it’s an instrument anybody can play, but she has trouble playing it. She's a lot more interested in the piano and asks if she could play it, but since she’s never tried before, they think it will be too hard for her. They encourage her to keep practicing the kazoo. | |
Film | Kids play "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" on the Shpritzer. (First: Episode 3434) | |
Muppets | Waiter Grover: Grover brings Mr. Johnson a bowl of alphabet soup. Mr. Johnson complains that some of the letters are missing, and makes Grover run back and forth to the kitchen to bring the missing letters. When all the letters are there, Johnson complains that the soup is cold, and makes Grover take it back. (First: Episode 0276) | |
Cartoon | Kids see animals in their alphabet soup. Artist: Michael Sporn (First: Episode 1976) | |
Film | A girl narrates a segment about her friend, Billy, who swims with dolphins. (First: Episode 3012) | |
SCENE 2 | The others encourage Zoe to keep trying to play the kazoo, but she gives up and runs away. Luis goes to talk to her and tells her that maybe she’s too young to play the kazoo, and it would be all right if she tried another instrument. He suggests the conga drum like the one he has, but she doesn’t hit them hard enough to make them sound as good as when Luis hits them. She still wants to play the piano, but Luis thinks she should try practicing on something easier and not to give up. | |
Cartoon | A boy builds a house out of blocks, and when the girl builds a Victorian house, the boy calls her a copycat. (First: Episode 0780) | |
Film | Kids learn how to play string instruments as computer graphics illustrate their sounds. | |
Cartoon | Black cat, white cat, orange cat, marmalade cat, mouse cat, bird cat, chasing balls of string cat. (new music and sound effects added) Artist: Jeff Hale (First: Episode 1141) | |
Animation | Letters on the Street: the letter C is found on a city street. (First: Episode 3366) | |
Cartoon | C is for Cowboy (new music and sound effects added) (First: Episode 0703) | |
Muppets | "I Am Chicken" (First: Episode 2995) | |
Film | What sound does a baby chick make? (First: Episode 3419) | |
SCENE 3 | Zoe asks to try the piano again, but Ruthie explains that not everyone can play the piano. Everyone can play finger cymbals, though, and Zoe can too; the trick is to play them at the right time. Bob leads the kazoo band rehearsal in playing the "Russian Dance" from The Nutcracker while Ruthie tries in vain to help Zoe play the cymbals at the right time. | |
Film | A girl learns how to jump rope. (First: Episode 3397) | |
Animation | "Hammer Time with Hammer" (First: Episode 3179) | |
Muppets | The Count has built a rocket with the help of Dr. Reinbrein and plans to launch it from inside his castle. The two count down from the computer console, but the rocket doesn't take off. Indeed, Count never intended for lift-off; he plans on counting down again and again. (First: Episode 1306) | |
Song | This is the way we count and sing (from 1 to 10). (First: Episode 3136) | |
Cartoon | In the "Land of No Shoelaces," people find it difficult to play basketball, swing and run until Edna Lovelace comes along. Artist: ArtistMike (First: Episode 3102) | |
Song | "Doing the Family Thing" (First: Episode 3180) | |
SCENE 4 | Zoe gives up the cymbals and asks again to try the piano. The grown-ups warn her that it takes years of practice, so she shouldn’t be disappointed if she can’t play very well. She tries it slow at first, and to everyone’s amazement she soon plays an elaborate piece like an expert! Zoe explains it runs in the family: "I have a cousin who plays the violin and she's only six months old!" She tells them it’s a good thing they let her try, and Bob says it’s a good thing she kept asking them. Ruthie confirms that Zoe has never played before and says, "Do you know that’s incredible?!" Zoe responds, "No, but if you hum a few bars I can fake it." | |
Cartoon | Ten Turtles Artist: Bud Luckey (First: Episode 0425) | |
Cartoon | Three girls do a "One Potato" rhyme. (First: Episode 3271) | |
Cartoon | Rubber Stamp #10 (First: Episode 2880) | |
Cast / Muppets | Big Bird winds up Linda, who displays the word TOY. (First: Episode 2908) | |
Animation | Stop-motion: The word TOY is spelled in blocks. (First: Episode 3394) | |
Celebrity / Muppets | Oscar the Grouch loves the dissonant sounds of the Tokyo String Quartet tuning their instruments. When they start playing a classical piece, he’s disgusted and asks them to tune up again. (First: Episode 3294) | |
Cartoon | Leanna Williams tells a story of how she traveled to Hawaii and bought a Hawaiian shirt. Artist: ArtistMike (First: Episode 2745) | |
Film | A Hawaiian girl and her family get ready to have a little party, or paina iki. (First: Episode 3139) | |
Cartoon | A man opens various doors, leading to rooms where he sees a train, a clock tower, water, and a ringing phone. When he answers the phone, he is asked to close the door. (new sound effects and music sting added) (First: Episode 1409) | |
Muppets | Big Bird plays a guessing game with the viewer, by giving clues in the form of sounds. | |
Film | Kids talk about playing tennis. (First: Episode 3148) | |
Animation | Sand C/c (First: Episode 0625) | |
Muppets | Sesame Street News Flash: The Princess and the C — Kermit meets the wrong princess. (First: Episode 2527) | |
Cartoon | Speech Balloon: C – Cap. (First: Episode 0154) | |
Celebrity | Jeff Redd sings "Between." (First: Episode 2738) | |
Cartoon | Christopher Clumsy jumps over a hole and says that he fooled the viewer. He then walks into a wall. (First: Episode 0439) | |
SCENE 5 | Bob tells Zoe that she is a wonderful addition to the Sesame Street Almost All Kazoo Band, and she suggests they rename it "Zoe and the Almost All Kazoo Sesame Street Band." With Zoe on piano, Bob picks up a kazoo and joins the others. Ruthie announces the sponsors as everyone plays the "Sesame Street Theme". | |
COMING SOON | Coming soon on Sesame Street: Carlo sings the question of the day - what do you do with a fruit? |
Previous episode: | Next episode: |
Episode 3450 | Episode 3452 |