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Sesame Street
Oscar and Telly meet Soh Daiko
(repeat of 3235)
Air date March 22, 1996
Season Season 27 (1995-1996)
Written by John Weidman
Directed by Emily Squires
Sponsors N, P, 15


Picture Segment Description
COLD OPEN Telly has difficulty introducing today's sponsors over a loud, banging noise. He and Oscar (who's enjoying it) go to investigate.
SCENE 1 Telly and Oscar trace the source of the sound to the the yard, where the Japanese drumming group Soh Daiko performs a routine for Celina and the kids (including Gabi and Carlo).
SCENE 1 cont'd Following the performance, Celina introduces the group to Telly and Oscar and tells them the group is giving a lesson today on the taiko drums. They're both eager to learn - especially Oscar, who wants to create a loud ruckus.
Film Girls sing a jump-rope rhyme about naming a puppy.
(First: Episode 3279)
Animation Big, bigger, biggest (oxen pulling rocks) (new music and sound effects added)
(First: Episode 0764)
Muppets Big Bird and Zoe demonstrate the difference between big and little. Zoe wants to be big, but that proves to be impossible.
Film A girl dances her way into her family portrait.
(First: Episode 3119)
SCENE 2 Everyone is in traditional wardrobe and has their own taiko drum, ready to play. First, Alan, one of the Soh Daiko members, gives a talk on the origins of the drums and how they work. Telly finds the information fascinating, but Oscar grows impatient with every moment. Alan finally instructs them on how to play, and though Telly takes a while to bang the drum hard enough, Oscar proves to be a natural ("This is one of the greatest moments of my life!"). Everybody then plays a four-beat rhythm together on the drums.
Cartoon "Move to the Beat:" A girl dances with a tiger.
Artist: Karen Aqua
(First: Episode 3387)
Animation Computer N / n
(First: Episode 3039)
Film A very happy and energetic lady discovers a monumental "N" and dances around it.
Artist: Karen Aqua
(First: Episode 3377)
Cartoon A seal and a bear fight over a circus ball, but learn to cooperate.
Artist: Frank Gresham
(First: Episode 3282)
Whoopi and hoots
Muppets Whoopi Goldberg talks with Hoots the Owl about how proud they are of their body parts.
(First: Episode 2835)
Song Kevin Clash sings "Skin."
(First: Episode 2749)
Muppets Ernie and Bert: Ernie and Ernestine's DifferencesErnie talks about the differences between himself and his cousin, Ernestine.
(First: Episode 2053)
Animation "Toothpaste ... coming soon to a mouth near you!"
(First: Episode 2876)
Film Film of toothpaste and people brushing their teeth.
(First: Episode 3316)
SCENE 3 Everyone continues playing, though Oscar wishes it could sound as noisy as before. Soh Daiko members Eba and Teddy tell him they'll all need to play together and cooperate to accomplish that, an idea that is against Oscar's entire belief system as a Grouch. Eba quietly tells him a special Japanese term he can use (ishoni-yarimashow) as an excuse for playing along with everyone, without them knowing he's cooperating. Teddy then leads everybody into a new rhythm to practice.
Film A trip to an African dance school.
(First: Episode 3266)
Cartoon A report on homes around the world.
(First: Episode 1711)
Animation Sand P/p
(First: Episode 0634)
Film Alphaquest: P
A pack of painted purple penguins practicing a pop song in a pine tree park, and a pink pig with a parachute.
(First: Episode 2711)
Cartoon P, for peas
Film "Operation Playground" Kids at a school come up with ideas for a new playground, and raise money for the effort. Together with their parents and other people from the neighborhood, they build the playground.
(First: Episode 2360)
Cartoon Two men try to go over a very steep hill.
(First: Episode 1522)
SCENE 4 Everyone puts on a grand performance, with Telly giving a start on his drumsticks and followed by Soh Daiko and the kids playing their rhythms together. Oscar is disappointed Soh Daiko now has to leave, wondering how he'll learn to play the drums and create such a noise in their absence. He gets a great idea, then tells the drummers to "beat it."
Song Joe Raposo sings "Somebody Come and Play."
Snow leopards version
(First: Episode 2519)
Cartoon An alien asks a boy for directions to the baseball diamond.
Artist: Bill Davis
(First: Episode 1877)

Muppets NTV host Nora Nicks introduces Nick Normal and the Nickmatics singing "The Letter N." (electronic reverb added to closing)
(First: Episode 2071)
Animation N/n paper fold
(First: Episode 3114)
Film Jaws spoof with the letter N.
(First: Episode 3333)
Cartoon I Love You, in American Sign Language
Artist: Steve Finkin
(First: Episode 1170)

Muppets Big Bird's Video Postcards
Big Bird finds himself in Phoenix, Arizona, where he hangs out with Diego and his family. He learns that cacti can survive the hot, dry weather, and is treated to birdseed burritos at a picnic with the family later on.
(First: Episode 3016)
Animation Kids talk about families, often mentioning having rhinoceroses as pets.
(First: Episode 2759)
Cartoon An animated number 15 sings "How Hard It Is to Be 15" to a child who is trying to count from 1 to 20, but can't remember 15.
(First: Episode 2743)
Film 15s on sticks cascade toward the camera as boats race by on a river on the background.
(First: Episode 3280)
Animation 15 kinds of Japanese crests are counted.
(First: Episode 3157)
Muppets Kingston Livingston III sings "A Cat Had a Birthday."
(First: Episode 3331)
Animation A piece of paper floats down onto a table, then folds itself into a paper crane, which flies away.
(First: Episode 2892)

SCENE 5 Oscar organizes Telly and the Grouchketeers to bang on trash cans and pots like drums. Savion complains about the noise, which Oscar notes is them only practicing - it could take years before it sounds any better (to Oscar's joy). They continue drumming while Savion tries announcing the sponsors over the noise. The credits follow.
COMING SOON Coming soon on Sesame Street: Baby Bear and Goldilocks appear on the Sally Messy Yuckyael show.

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Episode 3484 Episode 3486