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Sesame Street
Sesame Street-O-Saurus
Air date February 4, 2013
Season Season 43 (2012-2013)
Written by Ed Valentine
Sponsors V, 12
Releases Elmo Loves Animals
Online Streaming


Picture Segment Description
COLD OPEN What's the Word on the Street?: Paleontologist

SCENE Rosita, Elmo and Chris welcome the viewer while setting up a table, which is soon covered by tools from "Paleontologist Grover." Chris explains what the position entails (because Grover hasn't a clue). Grover is hoping to dig up some dinosaur bones and build his own dinosaur skeleton, just like the ones in his book, but is severely lacking in any samples (i.e. not having any at all).

SCENE cont'd While Chris heads back to work, Elmo and Rosita want to be paleontologists. Grover points out they lack the proper outfits and tools, which the two quickly produce. He also states they need to sing the paleontologist theme song, which they sing with some Anything Muppets.
SCENE cont'd Now that they've done everything necessary, they are all now official paleontologists and start digging. They dig around the garden and come up with various odds and ends, which Grover claims are fossils.


SCENE cont'd Chris comes back to find his table cloth covered in dirt and junk. Grover asserts they're the fossils, until Chris points out that not everything old and found in dirt is a fossil. Distraught, Grover decides to quit the paleontologist gig until Elmo comes up with a great idea - use the pieces to create their own dinosaur. Grover assembles the pieces into a jumble, so Chris suggests they design it first. They study the pieces and figure out what parts resemble dinosaur body parts. Their design works and they come up with a dinosaur figure! Grover calls it a "Sesame Street-O-Saurus," then goes for a simple "Barbara." They go off to make more dinosaurs, while Chris shows Barbara his (poor) T-rex impression, to Grover's disapproval.
Muppets / Celebrity Amy Ryan and Elmo explain what a paleontologist does and meet a real life dinosaur.
Cartoon Cavemen observe and make their own cave paintings.
Artist: Fred Garbers
(First: Episode 3955)
Muppets Abby's Flying Fairy School is on the way, but first, Murray and Ovejita are off to visit another one of the people in your neighborhood. They meet Terry, who's a paleontologist and explains his job.
Film Alphabet Pictures presents "V": A mime acts out playing the violin.
Muppets Mr. Johnson has another run-in with Grover in the park. Grover is peddling the letter V and some V-word items, including an out-of-control vacuum that sucks up all the items, including Johnson's vest.
(First: Episode 4234)
Muppets Murray and Jordan introduce Abby's Flying Fairy School.
(First: Episode 4305)


Muppets / Animation Abby's Flying Fairy School
Abby and Gonnigan work on their magic macaroni art. Blogg uses magic to create a life-size Macaroni dinosaur. With a touch of "The Spice of Life", he brings his creation to life. However, it begins wreaking havoc all over the class room, wrecking everything. They try various methods of stopping it, including making a Macaroni stop sign, but to no avail. Mrs. Sparklenose suggests they "Spot the solution." They call on Spot, who shows them things that are humongous. They get the idea they need something big to stop him. A large wall doesn't work for them, however. Blogg comes up with a giant meatball, which the Macaronisaurus begins playing with. Everyone cheers, while the giant meatball pins Blogg to the floor. (re-orchestrated theme song)
(First: Episode 4207)
Muppets Before "Super Grover 2.0" arrives, Terry shows Murray and Ovejita the different types of fossils people like him try to find.
Cartoon "Twelve Little Chicks"
Artist: Mari Jaye Blanchard
(First: Episode 4258)
Muppets Murray and Max introduce "Super Grover 2.0."
(First: Episode 4312)
Muppets Super Grover 2.0: Lemonade Stand — Super Grover 2.0 finds a way some animals can have lemonade in a frozen tundra.
Muppets "Elmo the Musical" will soon arrive, but now, Murray pretends to be a paleontologist and searches for a fossils. He successfully identifies a 100 million-year-old dinosaur egg. "I love meetin' peeps in my hood!," he declares.
Film Kids learn about rocks on a visit to the Sterling Hill Mines.
(First: Episode 4234)
Muppets / Celebrity Juanes and friends sing "Muevete."
(First: Episode 4262)
Muppets Murray and Jordan introduce the "musical sensation," Elmo the Musical!
Muppets Elmo the Musical: Guacamole the Musical — Chef Explorer Elmo travels to Nacho Picchu and meets the Queen. The Queen is looking for a big dip for her big tortilla chip and Elmo must deliver or else!
(First: Episode 4301)
Muppets Murray announces the sponsors.
Sponsor Leslie Carrara-Rudolph announces: "Sesame Street is brought to you by the Rhyming Alliance."


Picture Segment Description
Muppets / Animation Abby's Flying Fairy School: Treasure Hunt
This segment replaces the "Macaroni-saurus" segment in the HBO Kids version.


  • This was the first Sesame Street episode written by Ed Valentine.[1]
  • The DVD Elmo Loves Animals presents a half-hour edit of the episode, retaining the street story, the Word of the Day, the Alphabet Pictures segment, "Twelve Little Chicks," Super Grover 2.0. and four of the Murray linking segments. Murray's segues to Abby's Flying Fairy School and Elmo the Musical are removed.



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