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Sesame Street
Beachball Bop
Air date January 16, 2025
(season premiere)
Season Season 55 (2025)
Sponsors G, 4


Picture Segment Description
COLD OPEN Elmo and Louie list different games.
(First: Episode 5230)
SCENE 1 Elmo is proud of himself for finally finishing his amazing block tower. He and the tower receive compliments from both Louie and Rosita, the latter of whom having arrived to invite Elmo for her favorite game: beachball bop! In beachball bop, a ball is "bopped" in the air to keep it from hitting the ground. Elmo agrees to play but suggests it be played far from his block tower...

SCENE 1 cont'd The two get to playing, chanting "Bop it, don't drop it!" as they go around Sesame Street. They pass Alan in front of Hooper's Store, Big Bird at the community mural, and Oscar in his trash can. They end up right where they started next to the block tower, and after a slow-motion sequence of the ball bouncing around the street, it flies right into the tower and topples it to the ground.

SCENE 1 cont'd Elmo finds himself in a fit of rage and shouts his frustrations. Rosita offers optimism, pointing out that some blocks are still standing, but is quickly rebuffed. Elmo knocks over the remaining blocks, remarks that he regrets ever playing beachball bop, and storms off. Rosita turns to Louie, shocked at how upset Elmo became. Louie apologizes on Elmo's behalf for yelling at her, and prepares to talk to him...
SCENE 1 cont'd Louie finds Elmo at the stoop grumbling to himself. Louie notices Elmo's pacing, heavy breathing, and loud voice. Elmo adds that his face feels hot, and that he's feeling very... he's not sure, and he sings a tune about his uncertainty. Louie suggests that Elmo's feeling angry. Elmo agrees and further vents about his hard work that's now gone. Louie understands and states that he'd be angry, too, further explaining that everyone gets angry sometimes.
SCENE 1 cont'd The two concur that anger is a big feeling, and that it "bubbles up inside" and "comes bursting out" like a volcano erupting. Louie teaches Elmo that when you're angry, you can take "volcano breaths" to help you feel better. This signals an actual volcano to appear to help. Louie and Volcano demonstrate that a volcano is mountain-shaped with lava coming out the top. Volcano explains that anger is analogous to the lava bubbling up inside.
SCENE 1 cont'd Volcano demonstrates the breathing technique. It begins with the hands together in front of the heart, continues with a slow inhale from the nose while the arms raise like a mountain, and finishes with a slow exhale from the mouth as the arms fall like lava flowing to the ground. Louie explains that volcano breaths calm the body, allowing for better choices and thoughts about how to continue. Elmo admits that his body feels calmer and realizes that knocking down the remaining blocks and lashing out at Rosita were mistakes.

SCENE 1 cont'd To make things better, Elmo first apologizes to his dad for the way he acted. Louie forgives Elmo, assures him that he loves him no matter what, and the two share a hug. Elmo then meets back up with Rosita and apologizes to her, clarifying that he wasn't angry at her. Rosita admits that she'd be angry too if her block tower was ruined, but Elmo insists that he should not have yelled at her regardless. Rosita understands and forgives Elmo, and the two hug as well. Rosita then offers to help rebuild the block tower. Elmo suggests doing it later and play beachball bop first. In their game, Elmo gets angry that he accidentally let the ball hit the ground, but he remembers to take a volcano breath to calm himself down.
Insert Everyone Has Big Feelings
Tariq and Reagan are playing a block game. On Tariq's turn, he knocks over the tower and gets angry. Reagan suggests taking a volcano breath, and after doing so, Tariq feels better. The two get ready to play again.

Muppets The Sesame Street friends dance and sing waiting to discover which letter will be the letter of the day. Today, it's G.
Muppets Reneé Rapp, Elmo, Cookie Monster, and Abby sing about what to do when faced with various big feelings.
5416 segue
Insert Elmo is playing hide and seek with a bunch of chickens. Elmo hears the sounds of the theme to Mecha Builders as he finds the chickens.
(First: Episode 5416)
Audio redubbed to fit the Mecha Builders introduction

Cartoon Mecha Builders
Simon's game of Simon Says (with Deborah, Sif, and Nat) is interrupted by loud construction noise, and now no one can hear him. The Mecha Builders arrive, and Mecha Elmo suggests using a tool to make Simon's voice louder. While pondering, Mecha Cookie Monster trips over a traffic cone and talks right into it, and the team realizes that the cone made his voice louder. Simon tries speaking into the cone, and while Deborah (who's standing in the front) can hear him, Sif and Nat (in the back) can't. To solve this problem, the Mecha Builders go Mecha Giant to build a giant megaphone. This works, and now everyone can hear Simon.

Muppets Elmo sings and dances with Tango as she retrieves toys for the number of the day. Today, she brings four.
Cartoon A girl and her dad play I Spy. They spy four green things in the living room and four purple things in the girl's bedroom.
Nature Explorers Title Card

Cartoon Sesame Street Nature Explorers
Elmo and Gabrielle are playing tic-tac-toe with rocks and leaves. After Elmo's leaves blow away, and they use acorns to play instead, they find an extra rock and wonder how it got there. It's not like rocks move by themselves. Or can they? They observe different rocks, but none of them move. Tango spots the rock moving, and when Elmo and Gabrielle follow Tango, they find the extra rock isn't a rock at all: it's a turtle.
(First: Episode 5416)
SCENE 2 Having now rebuilt the block tower, Elmo, Rosita, and Louie sign off, and Rosita and Elmo hug once more.


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Episode 5435 Episode 5502