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Ernie and Bert Sketches: Apartment
First Appearance Episode 0458
Broadcast January 24, 1973
Additional Appearances

Ernie is alone in his room humming to himself and smelling flowers, when Bert enters and tells him that it's his turn to go to the laundromat. Ernie amicably accepts his task and begins to make off with the laundry basket. Bert stops him to point out that he forgot something: there's no laundry in the basket.

Ernie has an audible idea bulb as he realizes that he forgot his Rubber Duckie. So he grabs it and tosses it into the empty basket. Bert asks him several times, what else has he forgotten? Ernie follows with storybooks to read to Rubber Duckie, cookies in case they get hungry, his boots in case the washing machine overflows, a radio, a ukulele, a yo-yo, a basketball, his coloring books and crayons.

Bert's patience percolates until he finally points out, "You forgot to put the laundry in the laundry basket." However, now that the basket is so full, he can't put the laundry in; and if he can't put the laundry in, then he won't be able to carry it to the laundromat; and if he can't get the laundry to the laundromat, he won't be able to the laundry.

As if looking for the solution to the problem, Bert asks him what he's going to do now. Ernie says he'll, "Go play baseball, Bert."

