Espinete no existe is a comedy stage show created by Eduardo Aldán in 2005. Aldán discusses a variety of nostalgic topics, ranging from toys to music, to films and TV shows. Its title is an homage to Espinete from Barrio Sésamo, and its logo depicts a silhouette of the pink hedgehog. On February 24, 2017, Espinete himself made a special appearance at the show's 1500th performance.[1]
A television series based on the show premiered on TVE in 2016, running for eight installments. Each episode featured a segment of a faux documentary depicting the life of Espinete after Barrio Sésamo, with it airing in full during the last episode. Espinete, Don Pimpón, and Espinete performer Chelo Vivares appeared in-person in the final episode, broadcast January 22, 2017.
Celebrity guests on the series included Pepe Viyuela, Rubén Cortada, Dani Martínez, Fofito, Almudena Cid, Fernando Romay, Ana Obregón, Javi Nieves, Mónica Cruz, Pepe Rodríguez, El Monaguillo, Bigote Arrocet, Patricia Conde, Chimo Bayo, and Marta Hazas.