D'Argo's Trial is a Farscape comic book miniseries published by BOOM! Studios, the final of three miniseries centered around Ka D'Argo. The four-issue miniseries picks up right after D'Argo's Trial.
Each issue is written by Keith R. A. DeCandido, with art by Caleb Cleveland. Farscape creator Rockne S. O'Bannon served as executive producer.
Issue #1: Reunited, and It Feels So Bad[]

- Release Date: December 9, 2009
On the planet T'Lohrcate, Philo confronts an undercover agent in his midst, sent by Enforcement to collect evidence of his crimes. Though the agent maintains his innocence, Philo has him killed and his body disposed of.
At a Sebacean-only tavern, D'Argo continues to wait for Macton Tal. The bar owner complains to Enforcement, but since D'Argo hasn't started any fights and has paid for all of his drinks, there's nothing that can be done. As D'Argo waits, Raxil comes up and tells D'Argo that Macton won't be coming to the tavern. Upon seeing Raxil, D'Argo becomes angry and slams her against the wall, and is subsequently kicked out by the bar owner.
Outside, Raxil asks for a favor in exchange for Macton's whereabouts. With few options, D'Argo (very reluctantly) hears her out. Raxil is doing a deal with the Zenetans and needs a body guard. D'Argo agrees to meet her at sunset.
Meanwhile, Philo meets with his advisor Zerrit to discuss tomorrow's agenda. On the list is the bar owner's complaint that a Luxan keeps coming in and sitting down. Because the bar owner is a client of Philo's, Philo agrees to send someone down there and take care of the problem, killing D'Argo if necessary.
Raxil and D'Argo meet with the Zenetans. Raxil is there to buy LoMo freslin, a powerful drug. When the Zenetans hand off the freslin to Raxil, T'Lohrcate Enforcement surrounds them as the pirates announce Raxil and D'Argo are under arrest for possession of freslin.
- Colorist: Caleb Cleveland
- Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
- Editor: Ian Brill
Issue #2: Undercover of the Night[]

- Release Date: January 13, 2010
T'Lohrcate Enforcement offers to expunge D'Argo's and Raxil's arrest if they infiltrate Philo's organization. Since possession of freslin on T'Lohrcate consitutes eighty years imprisonment, D'Argo and Raxil agree to go undercover.
However, Philo won't consider employing them unless they prove themselves. Raxil offers to steal the Gem of Quon, a highly valuable (and well-protected) gem that Philo wants but has been unable to obtain. Zerrit agrees to put them on Philo's payroll if they can do it.
Behind their backs, Philo hails Captain Braca, a Peacekeeper who is indebted to one of Philos's employees, and offers him the opportunity to capture D'Argo.
- Colorist: Caleb Cleveland
- Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
- Editor: Ian Brill
Issue #3: Thin as Thieves[]

- Release Date: February 10, 2010
After convincing Enforcement officer Reges to use his ship Lo'Laa, D'Argo and Raxil fly to the mansion of Yarlon, owner of the Gem of Quon. They wait until Yarlon goes to bed before breaking into his house.
Yarlon owns a pack of guard dogs called Brindz Hounds which were originally raised by Luxans hundreds of years ago and thus respond to Luxan commands. D'Argo tells them to stand down, and they act accordingly.
As D'Argo distracts Yarlon's attack drones, Raxil is able to access the gem's protective case but finds it to be a hologram; the real Gem of Quon was moved offworld half a year ago. The pair of would-be thieves, who unknowingly tripped the alarm as soon as they picked the mansion gate's lock, are now surrounded by T'Lohrcate Enforcement.
- Colorist: Caleb Cleveland
- Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
- Editor: Ian Brill
Issue #4: Prison Brake[]

- Release Date: March 10, 2010
D'Argo and Raxil are once again arrested, supervised by two new Enforcement guards. They try to tell their guards that they were working for Enforcement, but the guards don't believe them. D'Argo and Raxil are then transferred to Philo. Apparently, these guards are on Philo's payroll.
Philo sets Kreeba on D'Argo. Unexpectedly, D'Argo defeats Kreeba, but it doesn't matter. Braca is here to arrest both D'Argo and Raxil (who, under a number of different aliases, is wanted for over a hundred criminal charges).
D'Argo uses his Qualta blade to call Lo'La to him. Escaping the scene behind him, D'Argo reflects on the wild goose chase that has been his hunt for Macton. In the middle of thought, D'Argo is interrupted by Raxil who sneaked on board: "So, where we gonna go next, eh? I know this great planet where we can really have some fun!"
- Colorist: Renato Faccini
- Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
- Editor: Ian Brill
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