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Cover B
Farscape: The Official Magazine Volume 1, Number 12 (April/May 2003)
- The Uncharted Territories
- News
- Competition
- Farscape poster
- The Wakket Hole
- Your letters!
- The Producer's Cut
- It's David Kemper's final column!
- "Horizons" by Rockne S. O'Bannon
- More exclusive Farscape fiction - this issue from series creator Rockne S. O'Bannon. It's a story set in the future - at someone's funeral. That's all we're saying...
- Ask... Gigi!
- Readers pose questions to Gigi Edgley.
- Rockne S. O'Bannon
- Creature Shop
- Dave Elsey, the Creature Shop supervisor for the past four years on Farscape, guides us through some of his favourite creature creations.
- Farscape Art
- Tim Ferrier, the art department head, guides us through his gorgeous designs.
- Farscape Readers Poll Results
- The results are in! Plus, acceptance speeches from the winners, and mini-Data Banks for the winning episodes.
- Farscape Quiz
- Goodbye...
The Complete Farscape Episode Guide[]
Your guide to every episode from seasons one to four, including trivia and exclusive commentary from David Kemper, Rockne S. O'Bannon, Ricky Manning, and Andrew Prowse.
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