Flip Wilson (1933-1998) was a comedian who hosted The Flip Wilson Show, a comedy-variety show. The Sesame Street Muppets appeared in four episodes in the early 1970s, singing Sesame songs and participating in comedy sketches.
Wilson also recorded inserts in 1970 for Season 2 of Sesame Street. His inserts included:
- Flip shows how his teacher, Miss Johnson, taught the ABCs. (First: Episode 0151)
- Flip counts from 1 to 20. (First: Episode 0147)
- Flip talks about arms and legs. (First: Episode 0174)
- A copy of Wilson's album You Devil You hangs on a recurring announcer's wall in the 1969 IBM film "Rowlf-In."
- One of Wilson's best known characters was the sassy Geraldine, introduced in variety show sketches and starring on an album The Devil Made Me Buy This Dress before appearing on The Flip Wilson Show and other projects. The album used her catchphrase, "the devil made me do it," to justify an impulsive decision. Miss Piggy quotes the line in the January 08, 1982 edition of The Muppets comic strip. Wilson himself would continue to use the line even when not playing Geraldine.