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Al Kelly, leading expert on frammis, on The Jimmy Dean Show


Rare glimpse of a frammis in the wild in Episode 0804

Frammis, also spelled framis or framus, is a nonsense word which originated in vaudeville comedy routines. The term was particularly associated with 1930s double talk comedian Al Kelly, sometimes identified as its originator[1] but definitely the leading practitioner.

While other double talkers tended to speak rapid fire nonsense syllables, Kelly's technique was to insert his invented words into sensible sentences, delivered at a reasonable pace, and "frammis" could be any kind of device or technical term. When later appearing on radio and television (like Candid Camera), he was often introduced as a professor or expert. He appeared on the October 1, 1964 broadcast of The Jimmy Dean Show, identified as a musicologist, to discuss country music, although he neither invoked frammis nor met Rowlf.

By 1940, "Frammis" surfaced in print comic strips as a nonsense name, used in Ernie Bushmiller's Fritzi Ritz and Nancy and for nearly every name in Silly Milly. Eventually, frammis would be listed in dictionaries as a term for double talk or nonsense in itself.



  1. "Nightclubs: Making New Scenes." Cue. Volume. 36. 1967.