Good Luck Charlie is an American sitcom, which premiered on Disney Channel in 2010. The show revolves around the Duncan family, as they adjust to the birth of their fourth child, Charlie. In each episode, Teddy Duncan (Bridgit Mendler) creates a video diary containing advice for Charlie (Mia Talerico) about their family and life as a teenager.
- Kermit the Frog, Miss Piggy, Fozzie Bear, Animal and some chickens guest starred in the season four premiere episode "Duncan Dream House" (Sunday, April 28, 2013). In the episode, the Duncan Family decides to build their dream house after the family home is devastated by termites. This is thought of in the hotel room in which they are temporarily staying. Charlie is watching The Muppet Show on the television, when the phone rings and Gabe is invited to a banquet for which the room he had previously snuck into. Everyone, with the exception of Charlie, is excited at the prospect of a new and larger home. However, Teddy has a change of heart after a dream in which the Muppets convince her that the old family home is really the house of her dreams. The episode featured an original song entitled "Dream House," written by Adam Schlesinger and performed by Bridgit Mendler, Leigh-Allyn Baker and the Muppets. Steve Whitmire, Eric Jacobson, Kevin Carlson, Alice Dinnean, Bruce Lanoil, Brett O'Quinn, Mike Quinn, Michelan Sisti and Matt Vogel are credited as performers.
- Leigh-Allyn Baker plays Amy Duncan
- Jason Dolley plays PJ Duncan
- Shannon Flynn directed "Scary Had a Little Lamb" and "Baby's First Vacation"
- Skai Jackson played Zuri Ross in the episode "Good Luck Jessie: NYC Christmas"
- Shirley Jones plays Linda Duncan
- Phill Lewis has directed several episodes
- Jeannie Lurie wrote the show's theme song
- Bridgit Mendler plays Teddy Duncan
- Rico Rodriguez played Leo
- Bella Thorne played CeCe Jones in "Charlie Shakes It Up"
- Zendaya played Rocky Blue in "Charlie Shakes It Up"