Hansson and Fia Jansson are animated characters created specifically for Svenska Sesam by Swedish animator Owe Gustafson, who also produced segments for the American Sesame Street.
Hansson, a bowler-hatted parrot (voiced by Peter Harryson), and Fia Jansson, a female hippo, appeared in inserts; some were primarily comedic, while others taught concepts such as numbers. Fia Jansson could often be seen rising from a pool of water, and in the show's intros, roared like MGM's Leo the Lion. The duo were also featured on the cover of the album Svenska Sesam skivan, which included a track entitled "Kanner du Fia Jansson."
- Storyboard, design: Owe Gustafson
- Animation: Bryan Foster
- Camera: Lennart Bång
- Sound: Ulf Reinhard